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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 8.12.23

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In English, we began the week by writing a polar bear character description. We worked hard to use fronted adverbials and emotive language to describe how the polar bear was feeling.We have also then gathered ideas for our writing by thinking of all of the writers skills we are focusing on. Later on, we have planned and started to write our own outsider narrative based on the illustrations from the vehicle text – Leaf. We have also completed our spag assessment this week.

Our spelling focus gave us the opportunity to look at alternative spellings for ay with the spellings ey and eigh.

In Maths, our learning has continued to look at multiplication and division facts for the 9times table. We used our key fact knowledge to write a problem based on 45 ÷ 9 = 5. We then moved on to recap our knowledge of 3, 6 and 9 times tables. We have also completed our arithmetic quiz for the Autumn term this week..

Our Geography time gave us the opportunity to think about environmental features in the Americas. We saw satellite images of North and South America and we thought about the type of map we need to look at to find out these features.

In RE, we completed a reflection to think about what we have learnt and what might have inspired us in relation to our big question Why do Christians believe Jesus is the son of God?

In our History lesson this week, we reflected on how we should remember the Vikings. The children thought about how the Vikings were warriors, farmers, travellers, craftsmen and much more. We ended our History unit for this term by thinking about everything we had learnt and answering the key question: Were the Vikings successful invaders?

Within our computing lessons this week, we have continued to work on our podcasts. We have planned how our podcast will be created as well as starting to create our recordings. We have also explored some new sound effects which will be suitable for our topics.

Our RE lesson this week continued to theme of Jesus being light of the world. We thought about using metaphors for Jesus' lights. Firstly, we started by considering how we would feel if we did not experience any form of light and were instead in complete darkness. We used adjective to describe how we would feel. We reflected on the fact that the ideas we had gathered were quite negative. We heard about the story of Terry Waite and how he was held in captivity without any light. He explains that in the darkness, Jesus was his light. After this, we wrote our own metaphors for Jesus' light. We ended our lesson by thinking of one of our favourite school songs – My Lighthouse. We considered the metaphors used in the song and how this songs reflects Jesus as the light of the world.

In our Art lesson this week, we continued to work on our tessellated designs. Once everyone had created a working stencil, we were able to add to these. Using colour wheels, we discussed how the use of colour would change our work. We discussed warm tones, cold tones, complimentary colours and contrasting colours. The children were then given time to experiment with these ideas.

In our HeartSmart lesson this week, we focused on the importance of washing our hands to remove bacteria and stay healthy. The children created raps, songs and poems to show the importance of this.

In our PE lesson this week, we finalised our dances and focused on the skills of performing these in front of others. In our groups, we then performed and recorded our dances. At the end of the lesson, we were able to review our videos and think about what we liked about our dances.

Maths.co.uk homework has been set this week.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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