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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 7.7.23

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What another amazing week in Year 4! We can't believe how quickly the end of the year is approaching.

In our Maths lessons this week, we have learnt about position and direction. We were introduced to this topic by finding the position of places on a treasure map. This then become finding the position of things on a grid using coordinates and we ended our week by plotting our own coordinates on a map to make patterns and shapes. In our Geometry lesson with Mrs Pointon, we learnt all about scalene, isosceles and equilateral triangles. We used our knowledge to find, categorise and compare each type of triangle.

In one of our English lessons, our task was to prepare a word bank to describe a polar bear. This polar bear will become the main character in our next narrative piece based on an outsider. We then began planning our narrative piece.We are really proud of our writing this week. We have planned our outsider narratives and written and edited our first paragraphs. We used all of our writers tools including fronted adverbials, emotive language, figurative language and so much more. For our first paragraph, we put ourselves in the mind of the polar bear and wrote our first person narrative.

This week, we have been batik makers. We have used our canting tools to add the melted wax to our fabric. We are really looking forward to seeing how they appear when we add our ink next week.

In our Science lesson with Miss Holland this week, we have planned our science experiment involving recording the sound levels around school to find the quietest place for Mrs Chesters to work.

In Science, we carried out our investigation to observe a solid change into a liquid. As a team, we predicted, observed and recorded our results.

In our DT time, we reflected on all of our hard work in preparing Spring rolls on our Theme Day last month. We looked at our evaluations of our spring rolls and we were interested to use a visual tool to place our scores and compare our evaluations between our homemade spring roll and a shop bought alternative.

In my Happy Mind, we looked back at the goals that we last set, and thought about what we have done to achieve our goals. It was wonderful to hear our can do approach and your confident attitude to setting goals

During our computing lessons this week, we have explored the use of google sheets. We learnt how to format, add text, change colours and fonts. We then learnt how to input data and create a bar chart. We enjoyed customising our bar chart and this will come in handy for our science experiment.

Year 4 really enjoyed taking part in sports day this week and showing sportsmanship, teamwork and perseverance.

We used some of our time this week to work further on our study work books.

In our History lessons, we answered our big question, 'What do we learn about Shang Life from artefacts?' We used pictures and writing to answer this in our books.

We enjoyed being geologists this week and learning about how volcanoes are formed. We learnt about divergent and convergent plates. We used models, photos and videos to learn about this.

For our RE lessons this week, we learnt more about Hindu faith and particularly Puja – Hindu prayers.

Finally, in our Heartsmart lessons this week, we learnt about good and bad stress. We learnt how good stress can help us to take risks like going on a rollercoaster. We focused on how we could use strategies to help us when we feel stressed. .

Spagtastic homework has been set for this week.

We hope you have had a lovely weekend and have a wonderful week.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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