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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 6.10.23

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We have been wonderful writers. It was great to apply all the skills we have learnt in the last few weeks within our extended session writing piece. We used our writer's toolkit to include fronted adverbials, speech, similes and expanded noun phrases amongst others. Editing time has also featured within all of our writing sessions this week. Our narratives were based on images from the text and were based on a tension narrative.

In our Spelling time we became more familiar with the sure ending within words like treasure and measure.

In our reading time this week, we have enjoyed sharing our big cat books.

Our Maths lessons this week have been based around rounding. We have continued to learn about what multiples of 1000, 100 and 10 our numbers are between to help us to create numberlines. Once we have drawn our numberlines we have then shown half way. If numbers are below half way, we know to round down and if numbers are higher, we know to round up. We have also learnt about the deciding numbers when rounding in different ways.

Harvest has been a large focus for us throughout our week. We have enjoyed spending time to practise our service, our words and our songs. We hope that you all enjoyed our service at Church and thank you for attending.

Our focus within our RE learning allowed us to continue to look at the Transfiguration story. We enjoyed looking at our reflections from the previous week and then explored the story as images within a story board and as a video. We compared the versions and thought about the message of the story in more detail.

In Geography, we became more familiar with cities in North America. To do so, we found the location of America, Canada and Mexico, and used our atlases to find cities as a team. We also had the chance to recap on the key lines of latitude.

We enjoyed continuing to develop our skills in athletics as part of our PE session this week.

In our HeartSmart lesson this week, we have thought about a recipe for happiness. We listened to the story of Boris and how he felt worthless and unloved because the scrap man told he was after being made out of scrap materials. But we thought about how we can make others happy and what recipe we needed for this. Our bible quote for this week is 'Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.' 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

In our wellbeing session this week, we focused on what makes us feel good. We learnt about using the strategy of tensing our body when we feel angry or overwhelmed. We thought the release we felt afterwards was a fantastic feeling.

In our forest school session this week, we have considered why trees are important. They provide habitats for living things, provide us with oxygen to breathe and remove carbon dioxide from the air, they can provide us with food, provides us with wood and give us a beautiful landscape to look at. We then learnt about measuring the age of a tree by using a tape measure to measure the size and dividing this number by 2 as a tree grows by roughly 2cm every year. We then went on to enjoy developing our archery skills and toasting marshmallows over our own fires!

During our computing lessons this week, we have learnt more about the internet. In this lesson, we explored what can and cannot be shared online. We learnt that photos, recording, videos or typed writing can be uploaded online whereas physical objects can't. We recapped the difference between websites and webpages. We then learnt about web browsers that we can use to go online.

History this week involved playdough! We learnt about Danelaw. Using maps of England, we showed what England looked like when the Anglo-Saxons had their settlements, before the Viking invaded, and what this became after the Wedmore treaty gave land to the Vikings as part of Danelaw. This learning today helped us to answer the question: Were the Vikings successful?

For our first science lesson this week, we have learnt more about creating our own classification keys. We wrote our own for invertebrates. We then looked at the work of Levon Biss using our iPads. We observed his pictures of many living things were able to zoom in and take a great look at the photos. We then indefinitely key characteristics of these amazing living things.

No formal homework has been set for this week. We would like you to spend time chatting in your family time this weekend!

Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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