To develop our understanding of news report vocabulary, we explored a possible sighting of a great white shark in Britain in 2003. We extended a word bank with our own sentence openers, phrases and word play to hook the reader in. We enjoyed writing independently and we shared the parts of our writing that we were most proud of. We have then moved on to explore and use formal language. We have learnt about taking eye witness quote and understanding how to write these in our work. We have also learnt about the writing skills used within a news report and how we can structure our own work.
In Reading, our comprehension work looked at 100 Viking facts and once we had retrieved some key information, we were able to make judgements to which type of text we prefer. We mentioned about the layout and gave each type of text a rating.
This week, we shone within our Maths work when we exchanged across two columns to subtract up to 4 digit numbers. We have then moved on to understand how to use efficient methods to solve addition and subtraction. Then we learnt about using equivalent difference to solve calculations. At the end of our week, we learnt about using estimating to check our working out.
We have been working on our handwriting this week.
We began our RE time by being detectives. We looked at part of the bible from Luke 4 : 31-37 with a missing word. Once we discovered the word was authority we looked at the meaning, and what the word authority means to us. We answered questions in teams and thought about who shows power and authority to us. Our reflections led us to think about our own power and authority. We then drew a picture of somebody who shows power and authority in our lives.
In our two PE lessons this week, we firstly enjoyed a new lesson of Rugby this week focusing on developing our skills. We then took part in Dance. Our focus for this session was on creating a sequence of moves linked to a theme – The Vikings. We thought about words linked to the Vikings and then how we could create a dance from this. We focused on using levels, transitions and facial expressions.
During our DT lessons this week, we continued to carefully cut our wood to the correct length to make our catapults. We focused on straight and diagonal sawing.
Within our first Science lesson this week, we recorded our results from our experiment from before half term – focusing on which container made the best bird bath. We found which container let the least amount of water evaporate. In our second lesson, we focused on teaching others about the importance of caring for wildlife. We created posters informing people of the ways that they can protect habitats.
In our Heartsmart lesson this week, we evaluated how well we have been able to care for ourselves and for others. In our wellbeing lessons, we considered what we would like to achieve when we are older and recapped our strategies for wellbeing.
In Computing this week, we answered the question: 'Can I believe what I read?' We looked at photos from the internet and thought about whether we should believe these as real. We learnt that people are able to upload lots of information to the internet and we shouldn't believe everything. To show this, we completed an activity where we shared real and fake information between us. This showed us how quickly information travels and how we do not know who sees it.
In our second Computing lesson this week, we learnt about how we can safely be part of online communities. We discussed the ways we behave online in different communities using their 'norms'. We then went on to create a pledge about how we will behave online.
During History this week, we started to think about what makes a good leader. We learnt about the Battle of Bosworth and how a new King was going to be decided. We will learn more about this next week.
Spagtastic homework has been set for this week.
Have a wonderful week.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street