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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 30.6.23

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Village explorers, cricketers and archaeologists are just some of the roles we have taken on this week.

Our Geometry lesson gave us the opportunity to learn about regular and irregular shapes. We used various shapes to identify those that had the same length sides and the same interior angles. We learnt that we can be categorised into regular shapes. We also learnt that a rectangle is not a regular shape.In our other Maths lessons this week, we have continued to learn about graphs. This weeks particular focus was on line graphs. We learnt that they are used when we have two forms of numerical data to present. We learnt how to read information and answer problems including finding the difference in results. We have also used all of our skills from this year to complete our end of year quiz.

In our Writing lessons this week, we have spent time to understand our model text. It has been amazing to see the children bringing in examples of outsider narrative books which they have at home. We have really enjoyed sharing these. We have continue to understand the writers tools used throughout the text and generated our own expanded noun phrases for the polar bear. This will come in useful for our writing next week.

In our Reading lessons this week, we have enjoyed reading our home reading books. We have applied our skills amazingly to our Reading quiz this week. We used both the time and our knowledge carefully to find evidence within the text.

In our spellings we have been learning about homophones and during our handwriting lessons, we have been working on our joins to ascenders. We have also completed our Y4 spelling quiz this week.

In our cricket lesson with Harry this week, we started by practising our catching skills. Throwing the ball in the air and catching with two hands cupped together.

This week, we have been really lucky to visit church. As part of our morning on Thursday, we made our way to church to learn more about the Holy Spirit. We learnt about the items used within a baptism, that the Holy Spirit is with us all of the time and how water symbolises being blessed by the Holy Spirit. The children also hear about the differences between infant and believer baptisms. We ended our time at church asking Reverend Alison our key questions from this unit. When we arrived back at school, in our afternoon, we used our time to showcase everything that we have learnt across this unit in leaflets.

Whilst in the village, we visited the shop and used our knowledge of money to buy some lovely treats. We then enjoyed these treats at the park. Lastly, to end our visit, we displayed some of our wellbeing posters around the village as part of our courageous advocacy lessons. We hope you have spotted some already!

We have worked on our studywork books more this afternoon. Preparing our wellbeing page as well as evaluating our Batik art.

We have had a lot of fantastic Science lessons this week. In our sound lessons, we have learnt about how sound travels. We learnt that they travel in sound waves and these change dependent on the vibrations made. We used rice and a drum to see the vibrations increase in size. In our lesson with Miss Holland, we combined music with our science lesson and learnt about the way that we can change pitch. We looked at different instruments which we can change pitch on and learnt that pitch is changed by the amount of air we have.

In our Science lesson with Mrs Pointon, we begun by recalling our knowledge of states of matter in relation to ice. As a class, we decided upon our investigation question – How long does it take for the ice to change into a liquid? We set up our investigation by making predictions and we decided how to make it a fair test. We are now ready to carry out the investigation next week.

During our PSHE lesson this week, we have learnt about how forgiveness can improve the way we feel. We used the analogy of a splinter. If we leave the splinter in, the pain gets worse. If we are brave and remove the splinter, we feel relieved and our skin can heal.

We completed our final history lesson this week. We focused on answering the question: what do we learn about the Shang Dynasty from the tomb of Fu Hao? We learnt so much information about the archaeologist who discovered the tomb to what was inside. We enjoyed looking at pictures of the tomb and predicting who the possessions may have belonged to. We were surprised to find out it was Fu Hao – the wife of a King, a priestess, a military leader and a politician. We think she sounded like a very impressive person.

Maths.co.uk homework has been set for this week.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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