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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 23.06.23

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In our Maths lessons this week, we have completed our unit on time learning about how to change analogue time between 12 and then 24-hour digital time. We also learnt how to problem solve using time. On Thursday and Friday this week, we started our new unit – Charts and Graphs. During these lessons, we learnt how to read pictograms, bar chart and some line graphs and add to charts ourselves. We ended our week by completing our Summer term arithmetic quiz.

In our writing lessons this week, we have been learning about an outsider narrative. This week, we were introduced to our narrative and thought about what similar stories we knew. We spent time to explore the words and phrases throughout our model text and use the dictionaries to explore definitions. We also started to identify the writing tools used within the text. We showed how much we already knew as well as being able to find and label these skills on the model text.

In our Reading lessons this week, we have been focusing on our class text – The Firework Makers Daughter. We have thought about Lila’s feelings throughout the story and also identified whether Lila’s dads feeling about her being a firework maker were correct. We enjoyed spending time to look closely at our class text.

In our History lesson, we enjoyed recording our oracle bone news articles. We also used our lesson to learn about what other artefacts tell us about life in the Shang Dynasty. We looked at a wide variety of artefacts and thought about what these may tell us. We then learnt about what the artefacts were and how they were used. We spent some of our last part of the lesson to research these artefacts in more detail.

In our RE lesson, we started our new unit of Hinduism. We started to learn about the ‘Aum’ sound and symbol and how this is used within Hindu faith. We referred back to what we learnt about the Trimurti and how this sound is connected. We then learnt more about Hindu worship finding out about puja and diety worship.

Within our Computing lesson this week, we learnt more about coding on code studio. We learnt specifically how to create our own ‘event’ to help to programme a game based on ‘flappy birds’. An event was an action which is completed when something is chosen e.g. jump when down arrow pressed.

We have taken part in two HeartSmart lessons this week. In our first lesson, we learnt about forgiveness and how we can show this quality. In our second lesson, we learnt about saying sorry. We were presented with many broken items and asked what we would do. We noticed that we would need to fix these items and considered the way we could do this with our friendships.

This week, we were really lucky to take part in Thai Boxing led by Mr Levins. The children loved learning about where this sport came from and what it was like. We then tried it out ourselves. The children learnt how to perform a variety of moves and tested them out in partners. A huge thank you to Mr Levins for a fantastic session.

We also enjoyed taking part in our final Sportscape lesson this week.

We have also continued to work on our studywork books. We are very proud of the work we are presenting.

Spagtastic homework has been set for this week. We hope you have a lovely week.

Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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