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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 22.9.23

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What another fantastic week in Year 4 !

Our Maths learning this week has continued to explore the concept of place value. Across the week, we have ended our first unit and started our next. We concluded our work on four digit numbers this week in Maths. We used an array of practical resources to help understand the value of numbers when we may read 1,100 as eleven hundred. Next, we have learnt how numbers can be described as 1000s, 100s, 10s and 1s. We have also learnt about using numberlines to represent numbers to 10,000 and we have learnt about the multiples of 1000 which are either side of a given number. We have been exploring our Maths through lots of hands on and visual learning to see how this skill is important to help us when we move onto rounding.

We have continued to enjoy our writing unit this week. We have ended learning more about the text. We started the week by carefully understanding the language used within the example text. We explored key vocabulary and phrases and used the text to help us answer a range of comprehension questions. We then moved on to think about the writers skills used within our text – fronted adverbials, use of pronouns, correct form of verbs and more. We also took time to learn about the way the text has been structured. As part of our activities this week, we also wrote an incidental write based on a setting description. Using our knowledge of adjectives and expanded noun phrases, we gathered our ideas. We then carefully spent the time to write our descriptions based on the pictures from our book. Later on in our week, we spent time to find examples of all of the writer's knowledge used within the text and then looked at the author's use of language to create tension.

In our Reading lessons this week, we have enjoyed choosing our Big Cat books and our challenge books.

Our spelling focus this week has been to recap our prefixes.

In our History lessons this week, we have answered the question: 'Why did the Vikings come to Britain?' Throughout this lesson, we learnt about the first Viking attack on Lindisfarne. We even watched videos from the viewpoint of both a Viking and a Monk. Once we had learnt about the events of Lindisfarne, we wrote and performed a news report on the attack.

In our Science lesson this week, we played a game involving drawing of plants. We were asked to organise the plants based on how they looked. We talked about how this represented the characteristics of living things. We went on to learn about how living things are classified into mammals, birds, amphibians, fish and reptiles. In our forest school lessons, we continued to explore this knowledge. We looked at a variety of leaves and explored different ways to classify these. With the support of Mr Hadfield, we then moved on to create classification keys. We also enjoyed having time within Forest School to create habitats for different living things.

In RE this week, we continued to think about the question, How do we know Jesus had power and authority? Exploring the stories of Jesus' Baptism and when Jesus calmed the storm, gave us the opportunity to reflect on what Christians believe. We also thought about how other stories from the bible provide evidence that Jesus is the Son of God. We really enjoyed creating a comic strip and learning about Baptism through the actions of John, Jesus's cousin.

Our Geography time was full of quick questions based on the Americas. Did you know the Viking Leif Erikson was the first explorer to settle in North America? We then began to look at the different countries within the Americas including Canada, U.S.A, and the Caribbean.Our Computing lessons this week focused on understanding what the internet is made of. We recapped our knowledge of how information travels between a switch and a router. We then moved on to learn about how messages travel to reach and provide information using the internet. Once we had learnt about this, we explored how using websites gathered information and took us onto webpages.

We are really enjoying our PE lessons with James and showing fantastic team work.

As part of our wellbeing activities this week, we enjoyed exploring what makes us smile.

This week's homework is Maths.co.uk.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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