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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 21.4.23

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We began our Maths learning this week by looking at representing hundredths as a decimal. We used a blank hundred square and used counters to compare tenths and hundredths.We then learnt about how decimals can represent both tenths and hundredths e.g. 10 hundredths is the same as 1 tenth. We used part whole models to represent this. We then went on to learn about diving by a hundred. We showed how we could exchange a whole to be a hundredth hundredth then diving this by a hundred. In our next lesson, this knowledge helped us to understand how when we divide, the value of our digits change. We then also applied this knowledge to dividing by 10.

On Monday, our English focus was to explore the new vocabulary in our Manfish story. We got to know a range of new vocabulary and thought about the impact on the reader. During our other lessons this week, we have spent time to think about how our character is feeling when they try their invention for the first time. This will feature as an important part of our narrative. We gathered information from the text to support our ideas. We then used this to write our own diary entry. We have also explored the writing skills that have been used in the text – annotating these to create a toolkit.

In Reading, we looked closely at the front cover of 'When the Mountains Roared'. We learnt some new high level vocabulary and listened to extracts from the story. On Tuesday, we were introduced to our book for this term. Using the front cover we made predictions and thought what the book may entail. In our afternoons, we read the first chapter. On Wednesday, we then went back to the 'When the mountain roared' and explained what we predicted would happen next in our story. Our predictions took direct reference from the text to explain why we thought this would happen. Later in the week, we answered a question about how the description of a specific location made us think and feel. The location being described was an Indian market. We circled examples of descriptions from the text and then began to think about how this made us as the reader feel.

In my happy mind, we enjoyed talking to each other about our top or favourite character strength.This helped us to understand how we can stop, understand and consider and that our friends may use a different character strength when we are solving the same tricky situation or challenge.

Our Health and Safety Week focus gave us the opportunity to learn about Asthma. It was lovely to be able to involve members of the class who shared their experiences of what helps their asthma, what can make it worse and what medicines are needed. We learnt about inhalers, asthma plans and what we can do if someone is having an asthma attack. We also welcomed PC Nick into our class who gave us information on how to make an efficient call to the emergency services. We talked about how you can dial 999 to call the police, ambulance, fire brigade and coast guards. We also talked about the you would give your information to an operator.

We had our Music and PE lessons with Miss Holland and Mrs Jenkins this week.

RE has been a focus this week. In our Hinduism lessons before half term, we had learnt what Hindus believe about God. This week, we had the opportunity to showcase what we knew. Recapping each lesson, we were able to write detailed letters to Mrs Ward explaining what Hindus believe. To go with this explanation, we also presented our ideas in a piece of art work. We really wanted to celebrate what we knew.

During our PE lesson this week, we have started our new unit on Netball. You blew me away with your knowledge of invasion games and this is a fantastic starting point for this unit. We started our PE with a warm up game and then moved on to practising our netball passes. We discussed the use of bounce pass, chest pass and shoulder pass. We slowly unpicked how to complete a success bounce pass and practised this in teams. I look forward to doing more netball in two weeks time.

In our Art lessons this week, we have created our big art. To interest us in our topic of China, we learnt about the skill of Chinese ink wash. We looked at examples and discussed how these mainly featured landscapes and birds. These are a theme of Chinese ink wash. In order to produce quality work, we learnt changing the consistency of the ink. We then produced two pieces of work. One inspired by bamboo and the second which allowed the children to showcase their own creativity by creating a landscape scene. Your work looked amazing year 4.

Maths.com homework has been set as of today. However, this does not need to be completed by this Friday as we are at PGL for much of this week.

We hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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