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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 2.12.22

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y4 science electricial circuity3 and 4 pc nick nov 22cbdababc6f544db8ab0ad6bcbf0db58bfd5e6b564d4941aaa1cdc66843c1cd0e2b781d4685134a479134be2890427a58af9d4c07ff934003beeaa70b00f75c4278e7713fc5f84374ab19beb8924e99d4a88c6ad9c0ce4c4e903478760f8d7fa287f0ca4fd1854c81a3d4169893edc2350db7532361304571ab599932faff154730e4322214a648d3857dbff5153950ff03b55b994ec2468aa3f2a92088c90088c5353cd7366040f8b2a2b7e851661c1f3ca592d05dca407c9c330b9d94a91403

Our English lessons have continued to focus on Arthur and the Golden Rope. We used this as a context to develop our sentence structure and build word families. We followed a model and created sentences which involve the key words despite and consequently. We also worked hard to use the interesting vocabulary from the text. We then went onto analyse the key features of our Viking Monster Hunter guide. We have also used the model text to explore and understand how to use formal tone. At the end of our week, we thought about our own monsters and the facts and information we would need in our own non fiction reports.

We have now completed our unit on Measure. We can now talk about the strategies we can use to find the perimeter of rectilinear shapes when not all of the lengths of the sides are given. We worked carefully to apply our learning within our end of unit check too. We then started our multiplication and division unit. We have recapped, from our Year 3 learning, how the value of digits increase when we multiply by 10 and 100. We then applied this understanding to multiplying multiples of ten and hundred. We also learnt how to divide by 10 and 100. Lastly, we learnt about multiplying by 1 and 0.

In our Reading lessons this week, we have completed our unit on sagas. We have learnt a lot of fantastic vocabulary throughout this unit. We have learnt to infer the feelings of characters through what is spoken and how they behave. We have also learnt how to quote multiple extracts to support our answers. 

In Science, we received a letter with two challenges to complete. We worked carefully in pairs to identify the names of electrical components that create a complete circuit. We challenged ourselves and asked for help from other teams to build electrical circuits. We were very excited when our circuits were able to light the bulb.

We were interested to find out that our Computing lesson was an unplugged activity. Within our lesson we worked out how to program a sequence of steps to move our partner's robot arm to stack a series of cups. We learnt how to write the program and also identify the steps that repeat. We then changed our instructions to add a loop. This helps when there are steps that repeat.

PC Nick and PC Tom visited our classroom to talk about personal safety and being safe when we are out and about. They talked to us about being safe online, near water and on the roads, as a pedestrian or if we are on our bikes. We also recapped the importance of Stranger Danger. PC NIck reminded us to keep us safe, we must always tell a trusted adult if a stranger asks you to: go somewhere, tries to give you something, or asks you to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable – just say no!

We began our My happy mind lesson with a message from the Customer Happiness manager who had seen some of our Year 4 journal pages. She was very impressed with our entries and commented, 'This is lovely. Such great learning.' We continued to learn all about our character strengths. We thought about the strengths that we want to grow and decided on ways that we can grow that strength.

In our RE lesson this week, we focused on how Christians represent Jesus as light at Christmas time. We looked at different light sources and thought why Christians see Jesus as light. We then went on to explore some well known carols. Using the lyrics from within the carols, we explored the different phrases of good news. We used this information to create our own wordles.

In our DT lesson this week, we completed our prototypes. The children constructed theirs from art straws following each instruction carefully. We then tested them out. Once completed, the children evaluated their work considering their changes for next time.

We have also spent some time this week preparing our songs for our KS2 service.

This week we had a visit from our school elf. He gave us the task of designing posters to showcase how we can be good friendship builders. This links so well to our PSHE and courageous advocacy unit this term.

Maths homework has been set for this week.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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