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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 20.7.23

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Wow. Our final week in Year 4 has come to an end. Where has our time gone?

Our Geometry lessons have allowed us to become shape experts this week. We have explored lots of new vocabulary and used the resources around the classroom to help us recognise different quadrilaterals and talk about how to identify different polygons. We also revisited our knowledge of regular and irregular shapes.

We have learnt about how our words have impact online in our online safety lessons.

We have had so many fantastic memories from our peak of PGL, to Bikeability, taking part in Young Voices, our visit to Liverpool for our Vikings learning and our Chinese Theme Day.

Across the year, we have enjoyed our journey through time learning about life during the Vikings, the Tudors and the Shang dynasty. We have learnt so many new skills – sewing a seam, creating a catapult, making batik fabric, learning about volcanoes, investigating sound around school, making spring rolls and learning about Chinese ink wash.

Throughout the year, we have worked hard across everything we have done and we hope that you enjoying sharing our study work books at home. These are a wonderful showcase of our fantastic learning and everyone has worked really hard on these.

Today, we have enjoyed adding the final touches to our books and spending our last day together. We spent some time to read the end of our firework makers daughter book. We then took part in 'The Great Big Quiz' with Miss Welch as host. We answered questions based on our whole year and had a few giggles along the way. In our afternoon, we enjoyed watching a film.

We would like to say a huge heartfelt thank you for the gifts, card and well wishes that we have received this week. We really appreciate your thoughtfulness and wish you a wonderful summer break.

Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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