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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 19.1.24

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As writers this week, we practised writing our polar bear information using subject specific language. We reminded ourselves why we use alternative nouns in a piece of writing and we shared examples within a sentence accuracy example. We then went on to understand the structure and writers knowledge used within the text. Highlighting an example of the text, we looked for all of the key tools and annotated these. We also gave examples of each skills within the writers knowledge record. We are now at the planning stage to decide the details of our information report about polar bears. We have used all our prior research to plan four paragraphs which include an introduction and descriptions about the polar bear's appearance, diet and habitat. Today, we have ended by practising our paragraph writing skills showcasing lots of subject specific language.

In Maths, we have used related facts to multiply numbers that are 10x and 100x bigger. We enjoyed using factor triangles to help us. We have learnt about the base of the triangle containing the factors and the number at the point being known as the product. We then learnt how we could use these same principles for related facts in division. We then moved on to learn about using addition to support our multiplication. We learnt how we can break our calculations down into additional steps. For example, 7x 5 could also we answered as 5 x 5 + 2 x 5. We then moved on to look at informal methods to multiply questions lie 16x5=. We practised partitioning out 2 digit number into 10s and 1s before multiplying. This 3 step strategy was a great way to build on our skills to multiply number beyond our knowledge of our times table facts. We then moved on to look at informal methods to multiply questions lie 16x5=. We practised partitioning out 2 digit number into 10s and 1s before multiplying. This 3 step strategy was a great way to build on our skills to multiply number beyond our knowledge of our times table facts.

Within our afternoon this week, we had some additional Maths time to practise our times table skills. During this time, we took part in a mock MTC test. The children had the opportunity to experience what the test would be like to take part in. This was a great opportunity for the Spring Term.

Our Reading comprehension focus has been to become familiar with a non fiction text based on whales. The theme of this new unit is Science. We have delved into a fantastic book this week called ‘The World of Whales’. We have answered questions using examples from the text and been exposed to lots of new vocabulary. We have learnt how whales are adapted to living under water, why humpback whales are known as performers, all about narwhals and the positive and negative impacts humans have on whales.

This week, Year 4 have loved developing their cycling skills and taking part in bikeability.

In our Netball lesson this week, we have learnt more about defending and attacking. We have remembered, through a game, to choose passes carefully, use eyes and facial expressions to confuse our opponents, pivot on one foot and carefully follow the ball. Our skills are coming on already!

Our PSHE lesson enabled us to think about the laws of staying safe around alcohol. We recapped on the negative health effects, learnt new information within a quiz, and designed a poster to remind people of the effects of alcohol. We also had the opportunity to ask questions which you did in a very thoughtful way.

In Geography, we completed our interactive map and labelled the key cities in the Americas. It was great to see how we challenged ourselves to locate the cities using our prior knowledge.

History has been an important part of our week this week. To hook the children in and get them excited about our topic, we have had two lessons. In the first, we created our mind maps to show the knowledge we already have about the Tudors. We then had our timeline lesson. Using all the periods of history we have learnt about so far, and some more current events, we were able to make a timeline of History. We learnt about where the Tudors fit into this!

In our second lesson this week, we aimed to answer the question: How did the Tudors begin? The children arrived into our classroom with rose petals over the table. Both red and white. On the board, it told the children it was the 22nd August 1485. We had stepped back in time. We learnt all about the Battle of Bosworth. The children were split into the different warring families and asked to take part in the civil war. Once we had acted this out, the children wrote diaries to inform us of today’s event. We had learnt so much! We then realised the symbol of the rose petals. When Henry Tudor announced himself king he married Elizabeth of York bringing the red and white rose together to form the Tudor rose.

In our RE lesson this week, we have answered the question ‘Why is light an important symbol in world faiths?’ We learnt about Islam and Hanukkah. We heard about the story of the temple being destroyed and reflected on how this would feel. We then learnt about the menorah having enough oil to stay lit for 8 months. We considered the symbol of light in this story.

In Art this week, we have worked on completing both our big art project of our stain glass windows which you will soon see appearing in our classroom and completing our pattern work for last term. We are looking forward to bringing these home to share with you soon.

For our wellbeing task this week, we were asked to think ‘if we could be anything or anyone for the day. What would we be?’ We loved thinking of this. We then learnt that using time to craft, paint and draw could improve our wellbeing.

Spagtastic homework has been set for this week.
Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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