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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 17.11.23

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This week, our writing opportunities have allowed us to become newspaper reporters. We decided upon a catchy headline and wrote a news report based on the sighting of an illusive sea creature. We have really enjoyed using all of our plans and previously written paragraphs to support our writing. At the end of the week, we have had an opportunity to write these up neatly for our displays in school.

In maths, we concluded our addition and subtraction unit with a lesson on multi step problems. We were challenged to think about the problem and decide on the steps we could take. As we compared our strategies, we also realised that for some of the steps we could do the inverse operation. We then completed our unit of learning with our end of unit quiz. We have then moved on to learn about area. We have learnt what area is and how area can be calculated using different forms of measurements. We used counters to measure the area of different shapes. We have then learnt about using squares within shapes to calculate the area. We have used our knowledge of arrays to calculate the area efficiently.

We have loved taking part in England Rocks on TT Rockstars this week!

In our Reading lessons this week, we have enjoyed reading poems. We continued to learn about the poem: To Asgard – understanding the patterns and thinking of what we like about it. We have also read a poem called 'The Boat'. We started by not knowing the title and then interpreting what the poem was about from the information we had. We enjoyed this poem because it had many examples of personification.

We extended our RE learning to think about why the Pharisees were annoyed with Jesus when he healed the lame man. We talked carefully about the reasons why Jesus didn't follow the rules. Our reflections linked to Jesus showing that his relationship with God was far more important than the relationship with laws.

In Geography, we updated our South American maps with compass directions. We worked out which compass direction each city was from Cuiaba in Brazil. We enjoyed playing a body geography game to recap key line of latitude and locations on a globe.

In our Art lesson this week, we have learnt about an artist – Shaheem Ahmed. We enjoyed learning about how she has created art work through patterns in her own style. We looked at examples of her work and considered what we liked or disliked about this. We then created a page about her in our art books.

We have continued to work on our catapults in our DT lesson this week. We have now glued our frames and added our firing arm and catapult cup. They are almost ready for us to use!

For Anti-Bullying week this week, we have taken part in many activities. We have enjoyed sharing stories about being different and sharing kindness. We then went on to create a kindness display. We have made beautiful messages of kindness to display and show others. Please take a look at our photo!

Within our PE lesson with James, we started with a game of stuck in the mud involving a rugby ball. We were then spilt into two teams and practised playing a match of rugby passing the ball cooselg to each other.

In computing this week, we have continued to learn about using 'WavePad' to record our own voices. We have learnt about how we will be working on recording our own podcasts. We have chosen to base these on our reports of marine animals. We have been able to record more than one recording, trim our recording and then join two recordings together.

In our science lesson this week, we learnt about the water cycle. We have planted our own cress seeds and covered them with cling film to be ale to observe the process of the water cycle.

In our French lesson this week, we have learnt how to pronounce the alphabet and have been able to spell our own names using the French alphabet.

We have continued to learn our YoungVoices songs and dances in our music lessons this week.

For Dance this week, we have continued to add to our motifs. We have added travelling and varied use of levels. We then went on to develop our motifs with a stimulus of Viking images.

We were joined by PC Nick on Friday afternoon. He shared the important messages of how to reduce risks and stay safe.

Spagtastic homework has been set for this week.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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