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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 13.1.23

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In English this week, we have immersed ourselves in our new mystery text. We began with two bags of clues and made predictions using new vocabulary. Playing word games helped us to become more familiar with the meaning of new words and this together with our class discussions, enabled our focus to be on predicting what the characters might be feeling. We then looked at a new text – The Journey. The children were asked to think about how the images used within the text have an impact on a reader. In our following lesson, we looked at how the characters felt throughout the story. Taking one of the images from the book, the children were asked to write a diary in the perspective of one of the characters ensuring that they focused on their use of emotive language. In our final lesson this week, we looked further into specific vocabulary used within the text. We found the meanings of these words and showed how they could be used within sentences.

In our Reading time, we have ventured to the depths of the ocean to learn about whales. Our non fiction text is beautifully presented and we made links to how whales have adapted to live in the ocean and how they may be described as a big performer. We also learnt about Narwhals. The children loved learning about these amazing creatures and some of us couldn't even believe they existed. In our other lesson, we learnt about the positive and negative effects that humans have on whales.

In Maths, we have worked hard learning our multiplication facts. We used arrays showing two multiplication facts which gave us the opportunity to answer the question with two different methods. We have also learnt about calculating multiplication problems using chunking. We presented how we can chunk questions into parts using a part whole model. We then moved on to learn about multiplying two-digit by one digit using short multiplication. We will continue to work on this skill next week.

We were very excited to welcome Natalie our Bikeability instructor on Monday. Year 4, you shone throughout your session and came back with lots of examples of how you used your character strengths. A huge well done for taking part with such a wonderful attitude and trying your very best.

In Computing, we reviewed our prior learning related to Google slides and we set about beginning our first slides for a presentation on our Tudor Artist Hans Holbein.

PC Nick joined us on Tuesday to give us some key reminders about how to stay safe on the road. He explained how to be safe when we are pedestrians, passengers and when riding a bike. We heard the motto stand up for safety and it was an important reminder for us all.

We had a fantastic history afternoon today. When the children arrived in class, there were red and white petals on our table. The children were ask to begin our lesson by recalling what they already knew about the Tudors. We then started our activity with a timeline. Using different points of history, we ordered them on the timeline. We then looked at when the Tudors came into this. Then the children were introduced to the battle of Bosworth. We learnt how this was one of the many battles between the two great English families – house York and Lancaster. The children were then asked to reenact the battle themselves. We had a Henry Tudor, King Richard III and the Stanley brothers. The children showed how King Richard's army was defeated by Henry Tudor and the Stanley brothers and how King Richard was killed. At the end of the lesson, the children explained the significance of the battle and how the Tudor rose began.

We have continued to practise our songs for YoungVoices this week. For our courageous advocacy task this week, the children were asked to think about what impact they wanted to have on our school community. We came up with a fantastic list!

We have also had time to complete our big art task this week. Please keep a look out next week for our work making an appearance on our windows.

We have set your SPAG homework on the topic of Noun Phrases. Please look back to see if you have completed the previous task set just before Christmas as it may be outstanding.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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