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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 10.11.23

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101123 geography

In Maths, we began this week's learning by completing checking strategies to add and subtract. We were presented with questions and calculations and we were asked to check any errors. This helped us to consolidate our learning so far. We have then moved on to learn about problem solving for addition and subtraction. We have learnt about looking for clues in the text to understand what the problem is asking. We have used comparison bar models to find missing amounts and we have been able to answer both one and two step problems.

In English, our news report writing skills are improving week on week. We completed a writer's toolkit and explored the key features of this text. We also worked hard to incorporate verb inflections into our Sentence accuracy task. We have then written two incidental writes, preparing our ideas for our newspapers. The first was an eyewitness interview and the second was the opening information about the events of the news report. We have also planned our newspapers and are ready to write these next week.

In reading this week, we have enjoyed our challenge books and sharing our reading with an adult.

For our spelling lessons this week, we have learnt about the rule of adding the suffix 'ly'.

We enjoyed learning about cities in South America in our Geography lesson this week. We applied our prior knowledge about South American countries and political maps to locate cities and capital cities with a partner.

Our RE time began by reflecting on our learning so far and this was added to our Questful learning map. We then explored the question, why do the Jewish people believe the Sabbath is important? Using an online story, we found out that Jesus was criticised for working on the Sabbath and we worked together to think about why.

In our Art lesson this week, we have enjoyed creating patterns. Using pins and sharp pencils, we have created holes in paper to create sensory patterns. We explored what resources help us to do this the best. We trialled using card, corrugated card, carpet, stuffing sheets, cutting boards and just the table underneath. We decided that the carpet, stuffing and corrugated card helped us to be the most successful.

In our History lesson this week, we have continued looking at who would make a good leader for England in 1066. We voted for Harold Godwinson following his impressive family history. In our next lesson, we will learn whether the Vikings were successful in their last English invasion.

During DT this week, we have glued our catapults together. We noticed the importance of accurate measuring and cutting during this job. Some final touches and our catapults will be ready for battle.

In science this week, we conducted experiments to understand how materials change. We recorded our findings from all of our experiments. In our living things science lessons, we completed our end of unit fantasy showcasing all of knowledge.

During our PE lesson this week, we learnt about adding travels to our motifs. We extended our dances with further Viking movements and travels. We also performed these in front of others.

Within our computing lesson this week, we moved onto a new unit. We have learnt about recording audio. We have been introduced to an app which we will use throughout this unit and learnt to record our first piece of audio. We then considered what made a good recording.

In our French lesson this week, we learnt about saying the alphabet. We realised that this may be an important skill if we needed to spell our name. We have learnt two sets of letters of the alphabet so far.

We continued to practise our youngvoices songs in music this week. Also learning the dances and sign language alongside this.

Maths.co.uk homework has been set this week.

We hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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