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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 10.05.24

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We have worked amazingly hard in our Maths lessons this week and have completed 6 lessons across the week. We have learnt about comparing and ordering decimals and today, we have learnt about rounding decimals to the nearest whole numbers. We used numberlines to learn how to do this.

In our writing lessons, we have continued to learn about writing a persuasive letter to the witch to convince her to give our happy endings back. We have focused on understanding the language and continuing to write persuasive informed sentences. We have then focused on exploring the writers knowledge throughout our text. Today, we have written a persuasive speech to the witch. Focusing on using fronted adverbials, repetition, expanded noun phrases and rhetorical questions.

In our HeartSmart lesson this week, we completed our work on 'The Emperors new clothes'. We read the rest of the story and then reflected on the importance of telling the truth.

During our computing lessons this week, we have analysed data from our data loggers. We imported the data and then how we can analyse it. We used graphs to learn about the patterns we could see.

In science this week, we have continued to learn more about the digestive system. We started by playing a game to remind us of all of the parts and their functions. We then went on to learn about the diets of other animals. We learnt that some animals are omnivores, herbivores and carnivores. We explored, through games, the food that different animals eat. We spoke about how animals eat different things based on where they live. We then started to learn about how animals digest food. This will be explored further.

In our RE lessons this week, we started by recapping why Peter was thought as as being the rock in which God built his church. We then went on to explore a part of the bible from Acts and considered what this meant to Christians. We reflected on what it must be like to belong to a church.

In our two lesson this week for PE, year 4 had different stations where they were practising the beanbag race, the obstacle race, javelin and skipping. Hopefully recapping these races has prepared us for the big day as we corrected any misconceptions the children had about the different races. We also had a focus on safety too: safety with the equipment and safety in the sun, so the children were encouraged to rest in the shade and drink whenever they felt they needed to.

Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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