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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 02.02.24

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In our Writing lessons, we have started a new unit. To begin with, we saw a selection of clues and a listened to soundtrack to hook us into the story. We worked carefully to make predictions about the plot, setting and characters.In our lessons, we enjoyed sharing our vehicle text. We explored illustrations from the text and labelled the nouns we saw. We then added adjectives to these. Our next mission was to create a noun poem. For this, we have learnt about abstract nouns. Using these, we created poems. We have then moved on to explore the example text. This is a myth narrative. We answered some questions about the text to gain a deeper understanding. We worked very hard to extend our vocabulary to describe a setting by using images from the book and word lists. We then tackled writing a sentence description. You worked very hard to use extended noun phrases and alternative nouns. In our final lesson this week, we worked on analysing the text. We have found examples of plural nouns, plural possessive apostrophes, single possessive apostrophes and expanded noun phrases.

In Maths this week, we have focused on division. We have learnt about ways to divide using base ten. We learnt about how it is important to find multiples of what we are dividing by within the number before we can attempt to divide. For example, 56 divide by 4 would be 40 divide by 4 and 16 divide by 4. We went on to use part whole models to partition and then divide our number. We completed a fluency lesson on developing these skills. On Friday, we took part in the NSPPC number challenge on TT Rockstars.

In our Reading lessons, we have spent time exploring non fiction texts. We have discussed organisational devices and answered comprehension questions.We have enjoyed a new book called Scientific Science. We have answered questions about how animals are adapted to their habitats.

In spellings this week, we have been consolidating previous year group spelling patterns and recording these in our new spag books.

In PE, we have developed our catching skills within our Dodgeball lesson. We were given the option to catch or dodge the ball and score points accordingly. In teams, we tried very hard to apply these skills to a 2V2 activity and our full dodgeball game.

We received a letter in our Science lesson and a box full of electrical components. Our first challenge was to become familiar with each component and learn new circuit vocabulary. Our second challenge was to create a circuit to light a bulb. We showed great resilience to connect the components together and we learnt lots of top tips along the way including how to put the battery into the battery holder.

In our brass lesson, we learnt about the difference between a beat and a rhythm. We were shown how we could use a collection of notes to make a rhythm. We learnt to play a middle C and play long and short notes.

In our PE lesson this week we focused on developing our intercepting and shooting skills. We took part in a carousel of activities focused on developing different skills.

In RE this week, we reflected on challenges we have faced and overcome. We thought about the qualities you needed to overcome these. We then listened to the story of David and Goliath. We thought about how David needed faith, courage, bravery and resilience. We wrote newspaper recounting the events.

In our wellbeing lessons this week, we reflected on the things we think about. We thought about using the strategy of thinking of positive memories to support our wellbeing.

During our computing lesson this week, we have continued to learn about coding. Using our turtle programme, we have learnt how to programme the turtle to write letters. We recorded the movements needed to create shapes and also wrote the algorithm that matched this.

This week, our Year 4 class worship has been a big focus of our week. We have worked together to write our script for our worship. The children came up with fantastic ideas and chose to base our worship around the Fruit of the Spirit Goodness. We have written all the parts and practised saying these aloud. We loved the opportunity to share this with everyone this week.

In our DT lesson this week, we have learnt about the stitches we will use to create our Tudor purses. We have practised our running stitch from last year and learnt about using a back stitch. We had the opportunity to practise on binka and fabric.

We have continued to practise for YoungVoices this week.

Spagtastic homework has been set for this week.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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