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C of E Primary School

Year 4 Class News 5.5.23

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Despite being a four day week, we have packed a lot in! Well done Year 4 – you are continuing to shine.

One of our reading activities this week enabled us to collect evidence to explain that India was a busy, bright and exciting place. In our other lessons, we learnt more about the text and the writing skills used. We seem very interested in this book so far. It uses short sentences to build suspense and makes us understand the characters emotions.

We have also explored area in our maths lessons, and we have extended our knowledge of what area is by counting the inside space using squares. By doing so, we have been able to compare the area of different shapes. In our decimals lessons this week, we have been learning about how to find decimals which make a whole, write decimals (by using our knowledge of partitioning to understand the value of each number) and comparing decimals using greater, less than and equal to symbols.

We had the challenge to beat the spell checker in English when we spent time looking at homophones. We used our knowledge to identify homophones, and practised spelling them as part of a riddle game. We have also dedicated some of our writing time this week to our courageous advocacy theme of wellbeing. We have created our own wellbeing posters. Using a variety of techniques, the children chose their own style of poem – Haiku, narrative, acrostic – just to name a few. Later on in our week, we have planned our own invention write following the structure of our model. We are looking forward to writing these next week.

Our spelling focus for this week has been the 'ous' pattern.

In Science, we began our learning by looking at new vocabulary related to changing state. Our mission was to sort solids, liquids and gases and to do so, we needed to learn about the properties of each one. We worked practically, sorted a range of items and then demonstrated this outside as particles. We learnt how particles behave in a solid, liquid and gas.

In our additional science unit, we also set up our experiment to see what affect different liquids have on our teeth. This morning, we were amazed to see the dramatic impact that blackcurrant squash had already had.

In our DT lesson this week, we learnt how to make a seam. Using two pieces of material, we joined them together using back stitch – a new skill for us.

This week, we have been preparing for and celebrating the kings coronation. As a dedication to this event on Saturday, we explored the different style of stamps. We enjoyed looking at the new ones released for the coronation. The children then considered what they thought would reflect Britain and the monarchy. We have started to create some beautiful art work.

Our RE time this week has been spent developing our courageous advocacy. We performed a fantastic worship today sharing a very clear message. We enjoyed working as a team to create our script, showing our wonderful work and talking about the importance of mental health and wellbeing. If you were able to come along, we hope you enjoyed our worship.

We have a lovely sunny start to our PE very quickly followed by a down pour. This weeks focus was on defending. We practised and discussed the skills required to successfully defend. We practised our skills in small groups.

Our my happy mind time enabled us to think about seeking help from our friends. We learnt that friends can help us to see things from a different perspective and we were reminded how important it is to remember to show gratitude when our friends help us.

Spag.com homework has been set for this week.

We hope you have a wonderful bank holiday weekend.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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