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C of E Primary School

Year 4 Class News 23.9.22

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re daniel group work y4re daniel group work2 y475809e0b7469494d876851a2b127081a795b4b9afa28423ea8ca5cbfb2b8833a2d6301dd5b7045d18b15d6c4116ef252d4b013524c324c62bad9cd5d55173274738bec85c8cf42979badb2d73c6f0353cc77ae750b68466ea73df01e050a9fbcaa4c9e228b704f69b7250a47d210e2c092a0f7c4e18b4885ba1cbfab6ca1958ce85327cec3dc49c1a732d6bac12ad3a05662adb276164cdc8dde3d30260a78e2

We have been working hard in Year 4 this week.

Adjective work was our main focus in English this week. We used the model text to identify adjectives, we found alternatives and created our own word bank. We used our model text to identify the key elements within each paragraph. This helps us to 'box up' the text and gives us a structure to plan our own version.

In our Maths lessons this week, we have completed our first unit on place value. The children have learnt more about rounding, partitioning numbers and we have had a big focus on numberlines up to 10000. We have learnt how to calculate the value of intervals on a number line. We ended our week learning about Roman Numerals. On Friday, we completed our end of unit assessment

We were excited to receive our new My Happy Mind journals to begin our first My Happy Mind module. Within our first Meet your brain lesson, we learnt about team HAP. They are characters that represent the three parts within our brain. We learnt all about what each part is good at and when we are calm and happy, they all work together. We were also introduced to the term Neuroplasticity, and this links to how our brains can grow.

In RE, we reflected on the big question 'What do the stories of Daniel teach us about God?' We enjoyed retelling the story of Daniel in the Lion's den using figures and reading the bible. We made some lovely responses to the big question. I am looking forward to sharing another story about Daniel next week.

Lastly, our teamwork skills were shining brightly in our Sportscape lesson based on practising our team relay skills.

In our Science lesson during Forest School this week, we explored more about habitats of living things. The children were asked to recap the seven characteristics of living things. They then conducted a field trip around our forest school area. The children searched for vertebrates, invertebrates, plants and birds. The children created a list of all of the things they could find.

During the rest of our Forest School session, Mr Hadfield taught the class about jarls and karls and how Vikings spent their lives. At the end of our session, the children learnt how to build and light fires.

In our Art lesson this week, we have learnt more about what Vikings shield would have looked like. The children have then designed their own in preparation for making them next week.

During our History lesson this week, we recapped where the Vikings came from. The children were asked to show on a map of Europe, where the Vikings homelands were and where they settled in England. We then learnt about why the Vikings came to England. We read about the first attack on Lindisfarne and created a list of the key events which happened. Next lesson we will be creating news reports based on the events of the attack.

This week, Maths homework has been set and the children have been given a topic bingo board with a range of activities that they may like to complete at home.

We hope you're having a lovely weekend.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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