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C of E Primary School

Y4 Weekly News 30.9.22

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re daniel story orderinga82c967547724359a8855a6980b4dea088739aaf3f504d5c9206dfd1fb67d65a73106bc57d144e6caf4dc00dad967237abfc0bc7ae09476e880e68cb1ed5f334f669446a14ac440589676f46cbc4ae752d055711c8cc4075af7318e05d105045b8c9db6941b843f8a927ac84f66c677f7fb34a3707064016a219caf12bdaab2001e678375fb24e96b5383b917b69f2b8779456ec9f9c45908e10dce85ce2b7fc16f79fbc2b904228834e5a5a669d1b65

Our English lessons have been packed full of writing this week. We have been really impressed by the way we write sentences with adventurous adjectives, similes, and the way we are looking carefully at our model to help us. We are gearing up to writing our own stories, and I can't wait to find out about the type of monsters your characters defeat.

In our Maths lesson this week, we have started our new unit of Place Value. We started by exploring the vocabulary and representations we will use. We then moved on to learnt about finding 1000 more or less than a given number. We have also spent a couple of lessons learning about comparing 4-digit numbers. We have used base ten and part whole model to support this learning.

In Geography, we recapped our knowledge of North and South America, and thought about a fun rhyme to remember the points on the compass. We also used atlases to find cities in South America.

In French, we worked in teams to explore learning about the members in our family. We used some great pronunciation, shared French stories, and used Google translate. We also discovered the meaning of ma and mon.

It was wonderful to see everyone using their my happy mind journals for the first time this week. We thought carefully about our chosen happy place and then decided how we have used neuroplasticity to learn something new.

Our next story in RE, was presented like a jigsaw, and comes from the book of David in the Old Testament. We worked with our partner to rearrange the pieces and read the story about King Nebuchadnezzar and his dream. We then split into five teams to describe how Daniel was feeling using each of the senses. We used this to make more reflections to help us answer our big question.

In our Forest school lesson this week, we have been learning more about leaves. Using the woodland trust leaf identifier, we identified many leaves that Mr Hadfield had collected from around our school grounds. We learnt that leaves can be simple (one leaf) or compound (made up of leaflets). We considered how we could classify these leaves using ‘Is it’ questions. Using all of this information, we were able to create a classification key. Later on in our Forest School lessons, we created our own Viking villages. The children learnt how to develop their style of shelter. The children were then given opportunity to develop their settlement with extra things they sourced from around the area.

In our History lessons this week, we have showcased what we have learnt about the Viking raids on Lindisfarne. The children produced their own news report with all the information regarding the key events of the first Viking attack.

In our computing lesson this week, we focused on our debugging skills. We thought about the process we take of fixing something once it is broken. We then applied this to our coding skills. All of the children completed lesson 4 and then went on to pally their coding skills to the hour of code activities.

This week we have set a SPAG.com homework activity. If you would like a quick recap on pronouns, please follow the link to this webpage.

We hope you are having a lovely weekend.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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