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C of E Primary School

Y4 News 17.3.23

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The Journey of a River was the topic of our final writing piece, which allowed us to use our knowledge of parenthesis and the features of an information report. We completed our writing on Tuesday. On Wednesday and Thursday we then got stuck in to our next piece – an invention narrative. We had fun thinking up new and creative inventions and writing a story about this. On Friday, we completed a spag assessment.

We have explored another area of fractions in our Power Maths lessons this week. Our focus has been to calculate fractions of quantities and to do so, we have been dividing by the denominator and then multiplying by the numerator. Moving through the week, we developed our problem solving skills further. At this point, we were asked to find fractions of amounts and then we used known fractions amounts to calculate the whole – dividing by the numerator and multiplying by the denominator. At the end of the week, we completed our end of unit check.

In our Reading lessons this week, we have been reading aloud.

We were very enthusiastic artists this week as we used all our skills to draw a portrait of Henry VIII. It was wonderful to see all the individual styles of portraits that were created.

In my happy mind we reminded each other of our top character strengths and used this to describe what we are grateful for about ourselves. We have completed happy breathing and we are recognising how this can help us.

Our Geography work has given us another opportunity to track the River Thames. We used an online map from Digimaps to mark the source and mouth of the river and used a new drawing tool to follow the path of the river.

It has been lovely to hear lots of individual readers this week. We can really see your reading progressing alongside your comprehension skills.

For our science week activity this week, we learnt about food chains. We started by recalling MRS GREN to remind us of the characteristics of living things. In our lesson, we then looked at different living things and learnt about how these were connected. We created many different food chains and classification keys.

In our History this week, we have completed our unit. We started by answering the question – How do we know that the Tudors existed? We talked about what we already know about Tudor buildings – we know so much! Then we learnt about the specific characteristics of a Tudor house. Once we had showcased this knowledge, we completed our final assessment. We answered our main question – Who were the Tudors and how do we know they existed? We drew upon all of our knowledge – the Battle of Bosworth, Tudor Monarchs, Henry's wives, Tudor reformation and the dissolution of the monasteries to provide a detailed answer.

During our computing lesson this week, we continued to create our morphs in preparation for our animations next week.

In trumpets this week, we learnt all of the notes needed to produce a tune. Our focus tune for this week was the song we will rock you.

Within our DT lessons this week, we have started our new unit – sewing. Our focus for this term is on creating a Tudor purse. To prepare for this, we have evaluated existing products. Looking at examples of modern day purses, the children reviewed the durability, purpose and design. The children then created detailed sketches of the purses in front of them.

This week we have set a Spag.com activity for your homework.

Have a wonderful weekend. 
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon 

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