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C of E Primary School

Y4 News 11.11.22

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This week, Year 4 have been wonderful friendship builders, amazing wordle and poster designers and great mathematicians. We have also showcased our wonderful History skills this week.

In both English and Reading, we have begun learning about different examples of Poetry. We have discovered examples of a Haiku poem, which have a pattern of syllables in each line. We know that they do not have to rhyme and traditionally they are written about nature. In our English lessons towards the end of the week, we very carefully edited our shared write using feedback from Miss Welch and wroteour hot writes using our plans. The children followed our key targets – fronted adverbials, questions and features of a letter.

In our Reading lessons, we have learnt about the poem 'To Asgard'. The children have noticed that there is a repetitive line and a syllable structure which makes the poem memorable.We have also used a technique of visualisation to learnt more about the poem.

In Maths, we have spent two lessons on subtraction and finding the equivalent difference. Using different models, we calculated the difference and developed a pattern to work out which numbers would have the equivalent difference. We then learnt about using estimating to check our answers. We learnt about using rounding to find a suitable number to calculate. Rounding to 100 and 1000 helped us to calculate tasks mentally. Using estimating, we can check our answers carefully for mistakes. At the end of the week, we learnt about using alternative strategies to check our work. This involved using inverse operations. We came up with a way of visualising this.

In RE, we have completed our unit by answering the question – What does the story of Daniel teach us about God? Both your reflections and the wordle responses were very thoughtful. Well done, Year 4.

We have begun a new unit in my happymind titled Celebrate. In our first lesson, we learnt what character is and where is comes from. We are also starting to to learn that just like our brains, our character can grow and change. In teams we acted out five character strengths so the rest of the class could guess what they are.

In PSHE, we completed our final lesson on Alcohol by learning about the laws that are in place to protect us. Within the lesson we answered quiz questions, compared different posters, and created our own Alcohol Awareness poster. We were very impressed with the clear messages that you created.

We had our second RE lesson this week – focusing on our new question ‘What examples of good news are there in the Christmas story?’ We started our unit by thinking of good news the children have experienced recently. We came up with so many wonderful examples! We then moved on to think about the characters in the Christmas story and how they share good news.

We also completed our History unit this week. We completed our knowledge organisers showcasing everything we know about the Vikings. We then answered our main question ‘Were the Vikings successful invaders?’ The children were asked to draw upon everything they had learnt to support their answer.

In Art this week, we recapped information on George Seurat and wrote our own biographies. The children then made their own view finders to ‘zoom’ in on a particular section of his art work. We will be sketching these drawings to create our own example of George Seurat art work.

In preparation for our Courageous Advocacy worship, we learnt about what it means to be advocates for mental health and wellbeing. We read the story of the colour monster and explored our own emotions.

We are looking forward to inviting you to our Year 4 Worship next Friday.

For homework this week, we have set Spag.com.

We hope you’re having a wonderful weekend.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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