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C of E Primary School

Y4 Class News 16.9.22

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reading the bible y4talk for writing y42056f78eadf1456da51fc40f9aaaff9e8ce56a562c3d4a8bb91ae9a4b54c19e8e9c06aacbe2e4f709b276be0eaef05e9fe77180882cf45f5a216b458adc6dc0f1627001ad68e4bb5a131157268acac518ae9a52f0b6242c3b706dead05686dc0

In English this week, we have worked very hard to learn our new model text using our own actions. We have talked about the origins of Beowulf as a poem from Viking times, and one of the features of this style of poem, were Kennings. We then set about writing Kennings based on our interests and then one all about a dragon. We explored word choices and the use of adjectives, and we really enjoyed listening to each other's Ideas.

In our Maths lessons this week we have continued to build upon our Year 4 place value knowledge. We have been busy using place value grids, part-whole models and base 10 equipment to support our understanding. Our focuses for this week have been – Rounding to 100, Counting in 1000s, Representing 4-digit numbers and exploring the value of 1000s, 100s, 10s and 1s.

Our spelling focus has been to learn more about the prefixes mis, and revise the prefixes un, in and dis.

Words have power! Our PSHE lesson enabled us to think about the importance of the words we say. We passed an apple around the classroom and chose to say positive messages. We cut the apple open to reveal the inside of the apple – which remained all white. Another apple arrived in our classroom, and it had been surrounded with negative messages. When we saw the centre of the apple was brown, it helped us to recognise the impact of our words and how important it is to be kind and encouraging to the people around us.

In our two RE lessons, we recapped our knowledge of the features of the bible and looked at one of the key concepts within the Old Testament- People of God. This part of the bible teaches us about how the people of God try to live in the way God wants, following his commands and worshipping him. We discovered that there is a book about the Prophet Daniel. We reflected on what we already know about Daniel using images, and we are starting to get to know the story Daniel in the Lion's Den. We are learning about why this story is important to Christians.

In French, we begun learning about the people in our family using an example of a family tree. We practised our quick recall and prounciation skills.

In our History lesson this week, we have learnt about where the Vikings came in History. We created a timeline of the events we have learnt about so far. We also explored where the Vikings came from.

In Computing, we have developed our coding skills.

In our Reading lessons at the end of the week, we have been exploring a Viking non-fiction book. We have explored the characteristics of a non-fiction text and have been drawing information from the text to support our answers.

Forest Schools (or should we say Viking School), was another fantastic adventure. We are incorporating our Science lessons into our session and have already learnt so much! We started with a hunt of everything we could find that was a living thing. The children then thought about what characteristics make these things living. We used the acronym MRS GREN to help us. We then moved on to expand our Viking village and learnt more about making our own shelters.

What another fantastic week – our time is flying!
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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