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C of E Primary School

Welcome to Year 4!

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Welcome back Year 4!

What a fantastic first week back we have had. It has been wonderful welcoming you all back into our new classroom this week..

We started our week off by getting to know our classroom and our learning for this term. We learnt where to find our resources and what to expect from Y4 learning.

We dived straight in with our Maths learning this week. Across the week, we have learnt about representing and partitioning numbers to 1000, drawing number lines in intervals of 100s and 1000s and counting in 1000s.

We have started our first Writing unit this week. We arrived in our classroom to find a camera, binoculars, a hammer, some nails, glasses, some blueprints and a pencil and paper. This started us thinking about why they were here, who they could belong to and why the items were linked. We enjoyed exploring our ideas and writing some predictions. We have also spent time to learnt about how we can use expanded noun phrases in our writing. We have also written a simile poem. For this, we needed to focus on the nouns linked to pictures of the sea, then adding adjectives. Once we had done this, we were able to add expanded noun phrases and similes. Our poems are a fantastic showcase of our ideas.

In our Reading lessons this week, we have enjoyed choosing our Big Cat books and our challenge books and beginning to read both.

We also enjoyed our first History lesson. We thought about what we already knew of the Vikings and recorded this on our flipchart. Then, we completed a timeline of History – focusing on all of the periods of time that we have learnt about so far. Once we had an understanding of when the Vikings were around, we started to explore where they came from! We used the atlas to explore Scandanvia. 

In our first Science lesson, we learnt about the seven life processes. The children matched the words to their definitions and recorded this in their books.

In our Art lesson this week, we have enjoyed creating patterns. Using pins and sharp pencils, we have created holes in paper to create sensory patterns. We explored what resources help us to do this the best. We trialled using card, cardboard, carpet, felt sheets, sponges and just the table underneath. We decided that the carpet, sponges and card helped us to be the most successful.

In RE this week, we thought about the question, How do we know Jesus had power and authority? Exploring the stories of Jesus walking on water and when Jesus calmed the storm gave us the opportunity to reflect on what Christians believe. We also thought about how other stories from the bible provide evidence that Jesus is the Son of God.

This week's homework is Maths.co.uk. All homework log ins have been stuck in our reading diaries.

I have been amazed by how wonderfully you have all settled into class and impressed me with your interest, listening and team work! Keep up the fantastic work Y4.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Morris

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