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C of E Primary School

Welcome back Y4! 01.03.24

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In our Maths lessons this week, we have started our new unit. This week we have been learning about Fractions. We started by learning about fractions greater than a whole. We learnt that these are known as mixed number fractions. We have then learnt about comparing improper and mixed number fractions. At the end of the week, we then learnt about converting between mixed number to improper fractions.

Our first English lesson gave us a recap on coordinating conjunctions. We used the acronym FANBOYS to help us and we played a quick quiz to remember when they are used. We also looked at subordinating conjunctions like as, when and because. This lesson also helped us to remember how to find a main clause and a subordinate clause in a sentence.After completing our myth narrative just before half term, we spent a lesson this week editing our work. With a reminder of our writer knowledge focus, we then edited our work. We had some time at the end to then begin to write these stories up neatly.We also started our new writing unit. This is still focused on the vehicle text 'Arthur and the Golden Rope'. We came into a hook in the classroom of books, Viking artefacts and pictures of mythical creatures. We enjoyed learning that we are going to be writing our own reports to replace burnt books about mythical creatures. We were given an example text and spent time exploring the vocabulary used within it. Today, we then explored the mythical beasts which we could write about. Using pictures from the text, we role played what these monsters would be like. We then wrote sentences to describe them.

In Reading, we continued to look at our non fiction text on Habitats. In one lesson we read about why worms can be described as a keystone species.

As scientists, we took part in an investigation to sort items into either electrical conductors or electrical insulators. We were surprised to find out that a graphite pencil can be a conductor and an insulator depending on how it is connected in the circuit.

In preparation for our new Geography unit, we had the opportunity to draw and label a river. We drew upon our own prior knowledge and experiences to draw the river and other key features that are found near a river.

In our DT lessons this week, we had time to create our own Tudor purses. We started by creating a template from paper and using this to cut out the parts of our purse. We have then used back stitch to sew our purse together. At the end, we learnt how to add a fastening using cord. We used a running stitch to sew this in. We then tried out our purses using coins.

In our RE lesson this week, we have continued our work on Psalms. We used imagery to think about how God is described by David in the Psalms. We then thought about how we would describe God today. At the end of our lesson, we created our own Psalms. We have also completed our Questful maps for this unit.

As part of our HeartSmart activities this week, we completed our end of unit reflection from last term. We then moved on to our first lesson of 'Don't hold on to what's wrong'. We focused on looking at things which are broken. We then spoke about how we can work to fix things including our friendships. We spoke about ways we can fix our friendships. In our wellbeing task this week, we reflected on 'If I could rule the world, I would...' 'Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5.'

For PE this week, we enjoyed taking part in Hockey focused lessons with Mr Pascoe. With Mrs Whittingham, we started a Gymnastics unit. We have focused developing ourcore strength with different balances. We have then learnt about points of contact

In our computing lesson this week, we learnt even more about coding. We have learnt how to code shapes when we were provided with the angles that we needed to use. We enjoyed trying to use loops to create a repeated loop.

History was focused on the reformation of the churches this week. We learnt about Catholic Churches and the features of these. We then went on to learn about how Protestant churches became popular as another form of church. We learnt about the benefits this had on Henry VIII and his reign.

Spagtastic homework has been set for this week.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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