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C of E Primary School

Goodbye and Good luck Year 4!

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What a lovely way to end our last week and couple of days together in Year 4.

Last week, Year 4 took part in their RSE lessons. We learnt about the physical and emotional changes our body experiences during puberty. We also learnt about the different types of relationships we experience in life. We look at experiences of positive and negative relationships and the children were asked to reflect on the qualities of a positive relationship.

Throughout the week, we have also continued to work hard to display our year 4 learning in our study work books. We have presented our computing, RE and wellbeing work.

On Friday, the children went on a visit to the village to display our wellbeing posters. We hope that you may have started to see some around the village already! Please take a look at the pictures for clues as to where you may find some! Whilst on our visit, we also wanted to make a further positive contribution to the village and took our school litter pickers. The children collected the litter as they walked. To end our visit, we each visited the village shop and chose something to buy. We then spent some time as a class eating our snacks and playing together in the village park! When we returned back to school, we celebrated our hard work with ice lollies.

Last week was also our Theme Day. We had a fantastic day on Tuesday celebrating our Chinese topic. Please see our post earlier in the week for more information and pictures.

In our computing lesson last week, we have completed our own short animation sketches using our characters and all of the skills we have learnt so far!

Over the last couple of days at the beginning of the week, we continued to work hard on our studywork and enjoyed some fun time together enjoying different games in class. On Tuesday we enjoyed taking part and watching the talent show.

We would like to end this website update by saying how proud we are of every single one of you! You have all grown in so many ways and we love looking back on our journey together this year. Good luck in your next adventure into Year 5! You will each be missed.

We would also like to say a huge thank you for the very thoughtful messages, cards and gifts we have received. We feel very blessed and are extremely grateful.

We hope that you have a wonderful summer holidays and are hopefully able to experience some fantastic time together.

P.S. we hope that you enjoy some photos of our year!

Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon 

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