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C of E Primary School

Year 3 Weekly News 7.6.24

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y3 dt food groupsy3 clock outsidey3 into the forest front cover

The week flew by in Y3! In English this week, we entered the classroom to find new clues about our new story. We made predictions, investigated pictures and clues and then read Into the Forest by Anthony Browne. We thought about how the characters were feeling at different points of the story and the settings, looking for hidden clues in the illustrations. As we got to know our example text, we discovered new vocabulary like bustled and thronged. Our text described characters getting lost at the fair, and we thought about how they felt at the beginning middle and end of the story.

In maths this week, we started our new unit on money, recapping coin and notes recognition and values. We then added up different coins and made comparisons in word problems. We then moved onto learning about different lines, including horizontal, vertical, diagonal, perpendicular and intersecting. We begun our new unit on time on Friday. Our first lesson combined learning about Roman numerals and tell the time to the quarter hour. We enjoyed recapping the features on a clock face using the large clock on the playground.

In RE this week, we started our new unit all about the book of proverbs. We read different proverbs, including "give a man a fish..." and decided if we felt the proverbs were still relevant in present day. We then learnt more about King Solomon from the Old Testament and made our own present day version of his proverb "Wisdom is more valuable than jewels; nothing you could want can compare with it."

This week's well-being session was all about transition and thinking ahead to Y4. We answered the question "in Y3, I am proud of..." You have asked to take these books home at the end of the year as you are proud of your well-being work from across the year.

We started out new DT unit on cooking. Our first lesson was all about the eatwell plate and learning about different food groups and healthy choices.

We have covered two PSHE lessons this week. In our first lesson, we were learning how to keep ourselves and friends with allergies safe. We discussed what an allergy is and how we can avoid allergens. We know that being HeartSmart means being considerate towards people who have allergies. This lesson links with the Bible Reference – 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than this. Mark 12:31.In our second lesson, we have shown lots of respect talking about personal touch. We thought what an appropriate touch might be and who we can talk to if we have any worries.

In Science, we were able to draw upon our learning in DT to learn about the types of foods humans need. When we saw lots of different foods, we decided which ones help us to grow and which ones give us energy.

We hope you have had a lovely weekend,

Miss McCurrie and Mrs Pointon

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