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C of E Primary School

Year 3 Weekly News 3.5.24

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y3 pshe postcardsy3 geography may 2024

Another busy week in Y3! This week we continued with our new unit of length and perimeter which saw us looking at different units and measurements, including mm, cm and m and finding equivalent measurements. We did lots of practical measuring too which helps with reading measurements on metre sticks and rulers.

In English, I have been absolutely blown away by your writing again! We have now written four out of five paragraphs of our return stories, inspired by the story Jemmy Button. Your stories have told of your main character leaving their home for an adventure but when they get to their new place, it is not what they thought and they wish to return home. Tomorrow will see us finish these and then publish them into real life books for you to celebrate and take home at the end of the year. We also had the opportunity to practise identifying adverbs and decide which ones are used for time, place and cause. We used a word bank to sort our adverbs into groups and we then went on to identify adverbs within sentences.

In our history lessons this week, we got to know the Anglo Saxons. We came up with some questions of what we wanted to find out, we placed them on a timeline of British history, using other times in history we already know about including the Romans. We then learnt about invaders and settlers and predicted what we thought the Anglo Saxons were! We then created our own timelines, recapping BCE and CE.

Our PSHE lesson was all about learning that the real me is the best me. This links to, I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. Psalm 139:14. We were surprised to see some photos that had been altered and we thought about how people might feel when they find out something is not true. To end the lesson, we wrote a postcard with an uplifting message to remind someone how amazing they are and to help them be the best they can be.

In Music, we continued with our recorder playing in music this week. We learnt a new rap to note A. We really enjoyed learning the lyrics to this rap. It was really catchy! We played the rhythms in time, but we needed to remember our original rules of – leaks equal squeaks!

In Geography, we worked on which climate zone and biome we live in. Our key fact knowledge allowed us to know that we are the deciduous forest biome and the temperature climate zone. We were interested to use this new vocabulary and worked hard to write these facts within a spider diagram.

After all having a beanbag race, year 3 have done two events in PE this week: long jump and high jump. In the long jump we started with jumping from two feet to two feet with precision using our arms to help drive us forward. We challenged ourselves by moving our targets further and further away and some even managed to add in a short run-up. For the high jump, we used a scissor kick and approached the jump from our preferred side (depending on which leg we preferred to lead with). Year 3 really challenged themselves by increasing the height each time. They showed amazing perseverance when they didn't get it right first time.

We also focused on our class worship and started to put our ideas together to help to write it and choose a song together as a class team. We are already excited to share this with you.

We hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend.

Miss McCurrie and Mrs Pointon

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