Another busy week in year 3 and the sun has even been out meaning lots of time on the field at lunchtimes too!
In English this week we finished off our approaching threat writing with great success! I have been so proud of each and every one of you with how you have applied the skills you have learnt across this unit of work into your writing. We have similes, fronted adverbials, noun phrases, speech, possessive apostrophes...the works! I have to admit though, marking them was a little scary. Your descriptions were that fantastic I could really picture the Iron Man on his way to Wybunbury!
In computing this week, we continued with our new project work where we are building up to using the green screens. You perfected your newsreader scripts with your partner and practised filming your news reports. We had lots of props too, including plastic, Duffy and a globe! I can't wait to see them after half term. You all worked so well with your partners and it was lovely to watch your interviews back with the class at the end of the lesson.
In our maths we have been looking at measurements. We have been converting between mm, cm and m, as well as ordering different lengths. We have reminded ourselves of how work through multi step problems to help us find the correct answer and have looked at re-reading questions to ensure we are taking the correct information.
We completed a SPaG lesson focussing on inverted commas. We had to 'mark' the sentences we were given by correcting any mistakes and re-writing them.
In spellings we learned all about the suffix -ian, which creates the sound 'shun'. We found that words that end in c just add -ian, if they end in cs, drop the s to add -ian.
In history this week, we placed the Anglo Saxon kingdoms onto a map of the UK and labelled them. We then investigated the names of cities, towns and villages that are rooted in Anglo Saxon words. We used Google Maps and atlases to find names with particular endings and then added them to our maps as well. Did you know that 'wich' means farm?
In geography, we continued with our unit on coasts. We discussed what makes a 'soft' and 'hard' coast, and looked at how beaches are formed. We labelled the features of different areas of a coastline to identify them. We learned about the tides and why they happen and looked at how different places look when the tide is in and out. Finally, we looked at Antarctica, as our international case study, on Google Maps and discussed what we thought the climate would be like from the clues we could see.
For our last recorder lesson, we tried something different. Still following the online sheet music, we had to play note B for the first piece, and notes B and A for the second piece. As we wanted an extra challenge, we played notes – B, A and G to an extra piece. Well done Year 3!
In our second PE lesson, we played another orienteering game. We ran around the field, looking for the twenty control points. On each control point was a colour. When we had collected all of the colours, we had to solve the problems on our sheets. Well done Year 3, great work!
Have a lovely half term week,
Miss McCurrie and Mrs Jenkins
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street