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Year 3 weekly news- 10.3.23

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This week has flown by in Year 3!

Swimming this week was our assessment week and wow, you made me so proud. It has been wonderful to see you grow in confidence as the weeks have gone by. The tasks set for you have not been easy for you all yet you have faced them with positivity and a can do attitude. Mrs Whittingham and I have enjoyed cheering you on each week!

This week was our art workshop too! We listened well to Christine from The Art Room who told us all about the process of wet felting and what we had to do to create our own pictures. Then it was your turn to have a go! You designed your landscape. You then worked in partners to first place the wool for your background and then use different coloured wools to create your Egyptian landscape. Once you had finished you had to spray warm water on to your creations and soap and roll them up to dry them out. We were all so surprised by what came out when we unrolled them! They were fantastic and it was lovely to see teamwork and proud faces! Christine took your creations away to sew them together to create a class piece. We can't wait to have them returned to us next week.

In maths this week, you have continued to learn about fractions, mainly tenths, unit fractions and numerators and denominators. We used numicon, counters and fraction wheels this week to help us. I have been really impressed with your knowledge and how hard you have worked.

We have learned how to measure the perimeter of a shape and worked really hard to convert mm to cm and cm to m. We have also looked at lots of different strategies to work out the difference between two numbers> We used counting on, number bonds, part-whole method and subtraction.

Last weekend, Miss Sowter found a secret diary hidden beneath her floorboards which turned out to be the diary of Emily Sands. We read about her search for the tomb of Osiris and her amazing discovery of a heart scarab amulet. In English this week, we have used this diary to inspire discussions around how the dialogue makes us feel and what our initial thoughts are, including what we think might happen and what secrets might be within the diary. We have been looking at this diary entry in detail and discussing the different language and structure that is used in diary writing, ready for us to start planning our own next week.

In Geography, we continued to look at climate and explored the different climate zones and their features further. We specifically looked at the desert climate this week, and used an atlas to find the five hottest places in the world.

In R.E this week we learned all about The Last Supper and how Jesus washed the feet of his twelve disciples. We discussed why Jesus would do this and the importance of celebrating this event as it was the night Jesus was betrayed. We had our own washing of feet role play (no water involved!) which everyone was able to experience. We also looked at what Christians do today to remember and celebrate this day including special services and Maundy money.

During our Heartsmart session we explored why it's important to keep our personal information safe and how in the same way we protect our personal belongings, we also need to protect our personal information such as passwords, address and date of birth.

In My Happy Mind this week we looked at our second lesson of the Relate unit where we tried to look at things from a different perspective. We discussed two scenarios and how it would make us feel. We learned that when we understand someone, it helps to build relationships with them.

Our music lesson was full of practical playing. We continued to practice Easy E, only this time, we were player 1. As we were as confident as we could have been with that piece, we moved on to play a song called Strictly D. The improvement we made to our timing was really noticeable. Great work year 3!

Have a lovely weekend and we are already excited for next week in school – science week!

Miss McCurrie and Mrs Jenkins

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