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C of E Primary School

Year 3 Weekly News-10.2.23

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Another week has flown by in Year 3!

In our English lessons this week, you used your plans to write your own mystery story. You thought about an introduction, where you set the scene focusing on 'showing not telling' the reader that it was a dark and mysterious setting. Your main character then reached a problem – some danger! You asked a question in your story and added some speech too. I cant wait to read the endings next week and publish your work into neat.

Our maths lessons this week saw us continuing on with the multiplication and division unit of work, focusing in on dividing 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. We first partitioned the two digit number into tens and ones using a part whole model and worked out our calculations. We found this much easier to work out the answer as we could use our times table knowledge to check our answers. With practise, you found this easier and easier as the week progressed and were able to talk to your partner and the class about each small step to find the answer.

We have also learned more about time. We've recapped how many hours in a day and used our multiplication knowledge to work out how many hours in 2, 3 and 7 days and we've also used this to help us find out how much time we spend asleep and in school. Great maths work Y3 – it has been lovely to see you grow in confidence as the term has gone on.

In our art lesson this week, we looked at lots of different Egyptian headdresses and we noticed that lots of them were bright in colour and with lots of unusual and detailed patterns. We then went on to create our own. We first looked at patterns, shapes and lines. We sketched lightly and when we were happy with our creations, we used watercolours and finally pen to highlight our patterns.

In science we have continued learning about shadows. Your knowledge is growing every day and you were able to answer every question in great detail, with some super scientific language. We created shadow puppets, making sure we only added details into the outlines. Then we made up short plays, using torches and whiteboards, with the shadows created by our puppets. We had great fun.

This week, you have been learning the song and practising your words for our class worship. You are really proud to tell our message about looking after God's world. We have also been reflecting on last week's learning about interfaith week and thinking about all of the faiths had the same message of also looking after nature, animals, each other and the world.

Our swimming lesson was another successful one. You all listened well and we can already start to see progress even I this short space of time. Another big achievement to celebrate is we are now on our third week and no items have been lost, swapped or left at the baths! We are already looking forward to next week.

Your class worship was amazing! Year 3, you did such a fantastic job, Miss McCurrie and Mrs Jenkins are so, so proud of you all!

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday.

Miss McCurrie and Mrs Jenkins

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