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C of E Primary School

Year 3 News 26.4.24

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earth dayearth day

This week, Y3 have been writers, designers, rappers and poets!

In maths this week, we have completed our fractions unit, focusing on equivalent fractions and recognising these on number lines and fraction walls. Next week, we will move onto learning about length and perimeter.

In our English lessons, we have continued to read Jemmy Button and write our own setting and character descriptions. We have built our own vocab walls using phrases and words from the text. Today, we have used role play activities to help get to know the structure of the story, and summarise the story in five parts. We are excited to plan and write our own story next week!

During the afternoons, we continued to reflect upon the Easter story and wrote our own acrostic poems based on all we have learnt. These were absolutely fantastic and are ready to be displayed in our RE area. We finished our design and technology unit by evaluating the Egyptian collars we made last term. We added detail with sequins, gems and buttons. They have formed part of our display too as I was so impressed! I'm sure you will be too.

In PE, this week we have continued our athletics unit with hurdles. We have learnt that we have a lead leg when hurdling, which we extend whilst driving our opposite arm in line with it, and a trail leg. After deciding which leg we preferred as our lead leg, we did lots of practise using different heights to suit our ability, we looked at the best distance to take off from and worked on sprinting in between the hurdles.

In PSHE, we focussed on developing our skills to recognise that being fake is a mistake. We decided why we should not tell lies about ourselves to others, and instead, have the bravery and courage to be ourselves, or be beautiful – be you to the full! To practise this, we thought about why we were amazing, and noted down our ideas. This links to the bible quote – Love takes no pleasure in evil but rejoices over the truth. 1 Corinthians 13:6

We definitely came alive in our music lesson! We learnt the Note B Rap and played along on our recorders. The song lyrics reminded us of everything we needed to remember when playing our recorders. We sang along to the rap, which in turn, helped us to find the beat and try our hardest to play in-time. Great job year 3!

Well-being this week saw us thinking about our favourite place to be. Some people chose a holiday destination, a place with family or a cuddle on the sofa at home. We discussed why we liked these places and how they made us feel. We also marked Earth Day on Monday and learnt about this year's focus, Planet V Plastic. We responded by creating a variety of beautiful artwork.

Have a lovely weekend,
Miss McCurrie and Mrs Pointon

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