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C of E Primary School

Year 3 News 19.5.23

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This week in Year 3 we have been descriptive writers, data gatherers, artists and news reporters!

In our maths lessons today, we completed our statistics unit. We looked at tally charts, bar charts and interpreted the data. We drew our own bar charts and collected our own data too.

We have also continued testing our times tables knowledge and speed on TT Rockstars. So many of you are now playing at home as well and are moving up our leader board!  

In our English lessons this week, we made our plans to write our own descriptive approaching threat piece of writing about Iron Man. We used words and phrases from our whole unit of work and then we began to write our independent pieces. Paragraph one and two are now written and we have been blown away by your writing! We have shared them with lots of other teachers who have been equally impressed! We can't wait to write the rest of them next week!

We completed a SPaG lesson focussing on inverted commas. We had to 'mark' the sentences we were given by correcting any mistakes and re-writing them.

In art this week, we started our sketches of nature. We started by looking at a willow tree. We focused in on one part of the tree and you sketched the trunk, branches and leaves, focusing on shapes. You then used oil pastels to add colour. Our second piece of art this week was the detail in the trunk of a tree where you used water colours to highlight the details, adding a bird perched on the trunk.

In computing this week, we started our project using the green screens. This week, we prepared our news reports all about plastic in the oceans. You worked in partners to act as news reporters and I was so impressed with what you have written so far. We had a lot of "hello, we are live from Wybunbury Delves" and "good evening, we are live from the ocean" You enjoyed sharing them with the class and there was lots of celebrating each others achievements which was beautiful to see.

In geography, we continued with our unit on coasts. We zoomed in on the counties in the South West of the UK and looked at the physical features of the coastlines in this area. We worked in groups to place a variety of photographs on the areas of coastline we thought they belonged to. We discussed the term 'erosion' and looked at the effect it has on the coast. Our contrasting location was the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. We found it on Google Maps and looked at the similarities and differences between the coastlines of the UK and Australia.

In our second PE lesson, we played an orienteering game. We ran around the field, looking for the ten control points. On each control point was a number. When we had collected all of the numbers, we had to solve the number problems on our sheets. We showed great teamwork!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss McCurrie and Mrs Jenkins

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