Year 3, you are superstars. You have continued to shine in our first full week together. Thank you to Heidi who was our lighthouse keeper this week, ensuring our light shone and reminding us to reflect on what we were proud of at the end of each day.
This week in English, we read more of Iron Man and we were introduced to another character called Hogarth, a young boy who spotted Iron Man on the cliff tops. We looked at lots of pictures of waves, cliffs and mountains and then wrote our own setting descriptions for when Iron Man first appears in the story. I was blown away by your writing Y3 and my favourite part was when we sat down together and all shared our writing with the rest of the class. You were so proud and your classmates loved listening to your fantastic setting descriptions. We have also had the opportunity to be a Poet and write a Kenning poem all about the Iron Man. The poems were both wonderfully presented and carefully written.
Our reading time this week has been spent getting to know our new reading challenge books. It has been lovely to read your book reviews coming in already! Well done Y3. Remember to record your reading in your diaries when you read at home too.
In our art lessons this week, we learnt about Roman art called mosaics. We found out that the Romans used small tiles, stones and gems to create large scale art pieces. We looked at two pictures in detail and started to create our own. You thought about what you liked and didn't like, colour used, lines and shape.
This week in French saw us start the unit 'Getting to know you' and we learnt the question "what is your name?" and answer "Je m'appelle" and added our names on the end. We practised these lots of times and even had a go in front of the class. Très bien Year 3!
We started our history lesson asking questions what do we already know about the Romans and what do we want to find out. You asked so many great questions which we have added to our display. We also learnt all about the Romans' toilet habits, in particular the sponge on a stick!
In computing, we learnt about what a digital device is and grouped different items into categories digital devices or non digital devices. We got set up again on tt rock stars and battled either against ourselves or each other.
You had your first sports session with James, from the Kick team which will take place every Thursday morning. Well done for your enthusiasm and team work. James was impressed!
In PSHE we began with the bible quote 'There is a time to cry and a time to laugh. There is a time to be sad and a time to dance,' taken from Ecclesiastes 3:4 We enjoyed exploring all of our emotions and it gave us an opportunity to decide which ones were positive emotions. We then moved onto the emotions that are included in the film Inside Out. Mrs Pointon shared a memory, that at time felt was very surprising and sad, but now looking back, the memory has changed to a memory full of good memories and fun. This helped us to think about how we can reflect back on our memories to build our resilience.
In Geography, you worked very hard to learn about places on the surface of our Earth. When we look back we were able to fit so much into our lesson, well done! Our focus was to look at places at different scales. and to help us, we watched a great video showing how we can zoom out and see places in different ways. We thought about places in our school address and we used colour coding to identify each place. We also recapped on the 4 compass points using rhymes. The most popular was never eat shredded wheat!
This week, we have set a Spagtastic homework and all login details are on the inside cover of your reading diary.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss McCurrie and Mrs Pointon
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street