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C of E Primary School

Year 3 News 1.3.24 and 8.3.24

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We've had another lovely week in Y3! We've enjoyed World Book Day, class worship and making a musical instrument!

We started our week with our class worship for this term. Our message this term was linked to the story Duffy's Lucky Escape and reducing our single use plastic use to look after God's world. We enjoyed telling our parents all about this important message and also singing our class song 'One World'. We hope you enjoyed it too! Thank you for coming to support us and thank you for your lovely feedback too. If you haven't yet filled in the Google form, it would be much appreciated!

In maths, we have continued with the multiplication and division unit. Last week, We worked hard to link multiplication facts with division facts. To do so, we created a family of facts which had 4 different calculations. We then completed our own family of facts as a little challenge. This week, we have focused on dividing two digit numbers by one digit numbers. Well done to you all who have completed your homework from last week, you were so proud to tell me and show me your work!

In reading , we continued with the book The Genius of the Ancient Egyptians and learnt about writing in Egyptian times and the Rosetta Stone. We looked at how subheadings can help us to find key information to answer comprehension questions. We have also given more reading awards out in whole school worship. It is such a special moment to see your proud faces going up to accept your awards.

The Rhythm of the rain is a beautiful story that we have got to know in our English lessons. We have worked hard to explore different water settings and learnt new vocabulary from our example text. Today, we have recapped our understanding of possessive apostrophes.

In RE last week, we thought about the change makers in our lives. We decided that a changemaker might notice someone who might want to help or needs to change and would talk you through how to change. We drew a picture of a changemaker and created a class collage. In RE this week, we have also been learning about the prophets in the bible. We learnt about the prophets Moses, Elijah and Jonah and their stories. We asked the question what is a prophet?, What would you like to ask a prophet? And which prophet story was your favourite and why?

We have begun our new Heartsmart unit Don't hold onto what is wrong by looking at how an apology can mend a situation. This links to the bible quote Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. from 1 Corinthians 13:4-5. We also began to think about what we can do in three different scenarios and the effects when we choose to forgive. We decided how our heart feel when we forgive.

Our music this half-term will be linked to the Ancient Egyptians and how they enjoyed music, why they enjoyed it, as well as the names of instruments they used. One of those instruments was a sistrum. We will be making our own sistrums. We started today by cutting out our templates. This week you worked very hard in your music lesson. You drew your picture of the Egyptian goddess, Hathor. You used your crayons to add shadows where they were needed to create a 3D effect. This picture took pride of place on the handle of our sistrum. We even had time to thread the pipe cleaners through the top section ready to add our metal parts next week.

In geography, we thought about the question Where are the hottest, driest places in the world? We used our knowledge of our globe and an annual temperature map to identify the driest places.

In computing, we completed our next online safety lesson, using Interland. Lots of you were really keen to play this at home too and came in the next day to tell me about it. Just type in interland into Google – it is free to play and you can get certificates for each land. We focused on sharing information this lesson.

We enjoyed our weekly swimming lesson and even were complimented on our behaviour in the pool. Well done Y3, you continue to wow me and Miss Roux each week with your enthusiasm, resilience and determination.

Homework this week is on spagtastic. Have a lovely weekend,

Miss McCurrie and Mrs Pointon

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