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C of E Primary School

Year 3 News 13.10.23

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The week we had been waiting for had finally arrived! On Tuesday, we went on our class visit to Chester to have a hands on Roman experience. We had such a brilliant day and you were all so well behaved and keen to share your knowledge! Our day started with our coach trip which took us to the Roman museum where we met our Roman solider lead. We gathered up our Roman shields and took a Roman pledge to join the army! He then took us on a Roman March around Chester and headed to the amphitheatre. He told us lots about what would have happened at the amphitheatre and then we had a go at some different formations, including one where you got to charge at the adults! We then marched back to the museum and we were taught how to chant in Latin 'Sin sin sin dex sin' which means 'left, left, left, right, left'. Thank you to Evie for leading us with your super loud shouting! We had our well earned lunch and then it was time to look at the Roman artefacts in the museum, including Roman coins, pots and even bones. We then had our workshop time where we had chance to build our own mosaics, learn about the Roman baths, do some Roman cooking and be archaeologists on a dig. We were so proud to take you out on our visit – you were all beautifully behaved! We hope you enjoyed your day as much as we did.

On Wednesday, you wrote all about your day thinking about the key, interesting parts of your day and how you could make your reading interesting for the reader. It was lovely to hear you share these with each other too. We also had a quick recap on using apostrophes when we write contractions in words like I've and we've. Next week, we are back to our Iron Man writing now that our plans are complete!

In maths this week, we have continued with addition and subtraction unit. We focused on adding and subtracting ones and then moving on to tens and then finally hundreds. By the end of the week, we were working hard to work these out mentally sometimes with pictures to help us and sometimes without.

You finished Wednesday by completing your next computing lesson all about 'what parts make up a digital device?' You investigated different digital devices and designed your own too! You then enjoyed some times tables rock stars and spagtastic time too.

Our PSHE learning gave us the opportunity to think about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and the risks of an unhealthy lifestyle. We expertly identified ways that we can live a healthy lifestyle. Our answers included, eating a balanced diet, doing exercise, brushing our teeth, and by looking after our bodies. We talked about looking after both our physical health and our mental health. We also decided on who we can go to if we feel our 'battery levels' are low and we are concerned about our physical or mental health. We came up with a list; our family, a teacher or trusted adult in school, and a nurse or doctor. This week's Bible quote is 'So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.' 1 Corinthians 10:31

In geography, we worked really hard to reflect on our learning so far this term. It was lovely to look back on previous photos, and pages in our geography books. This week, we found out about coordinates. To do so, we began thinking about the lines of latitude and longitude. We then explored how coordinates are written using N and S for a line of latitude and E and W for a line of longitude. Finding mystery places by just using the coordinates, gave us a little challenge and we had lots of fun! We typed the coordinate code into Digimaps and found out which country, continent and even hemisphere the coordinates were in.

This week you have also enjoyed your Kick session with James, music with Miss Holland and PE lesson with Mrs Whittingham.

We hope you have had a lovely weekend,
Miss McCurrie and Mrs Pointon

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