Another week has flown by in year three and our first one of 2024! Happy New Year to you all. This week we have been busy learning all about the Egyptians. We learnt that cats were very precious, special animals to the Egyptians and they thought of them as having magic powers. There was even a cat goddess called Bastet. They covered them in jewels as they classed them as royalty. We used our sketching skills to draw our own ancient Egyptian cats covered in jewels ready to go on the wall.
In maths, we started a new unit on multiplication, prioritising twos, fives and tens where we firstly focused on looking for patterns. We also started to learn a song to help us with our three times tables (search wybunbury delves three times tables on YouTube).
In English, we recapped and learnt about the four types of sentences, namely statements, questions, exclamations and commands. This weeks homework is linked to this set on spagtastic. We also were introduced to our new book, Fox. We looked at pictures and predicted what the story is about and what types of characters are in the story from the pictures and text. We also practised our skills to write similes and then explored how to write a simile poem to describe the Fox in the story.
In PSHE, our focus was to reflect on our Don't forget to let love in unit. This links to the bible quote, 'The second command is this: Love your neighbour as you love yourself' Mark 12:31. We thought about why we are amazing, we completed a self reflection and wrote some personal next steps.
In our well-being lessons, we thought about who and what is important to us and sketch these in our journals.
As scientists, we were set a task to discover how a compass works. Firstly, we found out that a compass is a small thin magnet made of steel which spins easily around to find North. We then predicted what would happen if we place a magnet next to a compass. Our predictions were fantastic and it was great to hear lots of scientific language. We were then excited to test out our predictions and report back to class.
This week saw Year three as super swimmers and what stars you were! Everyone got changed independently and even tackled putting on swimming caps. Children were assessed and put into groups ready for lots of swimming fun next week.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss McCurrie and Mrs Pointon.
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street