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C of E Primary School

Year 3 News 10.11.23

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101123 y3 joyy3 101123 forest schooly3 101123 forest school 2y3 101123 forest school 3y3 101123 hacksaw

Our week in Y3 has flown by with chariot making, hacksawing, forest school, lots and lots of singing and last but definitely not least our class worship!

Today, we shared the message of joy within our class worship. Year 3, you have worked so hard, showed such resilience and shone in each and every practice and worship this week. We are all very proud of your hard work and confidence. We also would like to thank all the adults who came to join us. We hope you enjoyed finding out about our visit to Chester and our catchy Roman song!

This week in English we have focused our learning around the next part of the Iron Man story. At the beginning of the week, we had a very official letter arrive from the Town Mayor who told us that the town needs our help! Iron Man has escaped the trap and is still destroying their farming machinery, scrap yards and anything else metal in his path! The Town Mayor asked us to make a new and improved trap so our first step was to design it. Next week we will work on explaining the different parts of our trap and sending a letter of reply to the Town Mayor! We also looked at our spelling focus with was adding im as a prefix to change the meaning of a word, for example, im + patient = impatient. We learnt that these words are called antonyms and that im is only adding to words that begin with m and p. Can you remember any more?

In maths this week, we had some fluency lessons around adding and subtracting two digit numbers from three digit numbers with and without exchanging. We also put these calculations into word problems and completed our unit on addition and subtraction. Well done Y3. Another fantastic maths week.

In science this week, we continued to learn all about rocks! In fact we became rock detectives! We used our science investigator skills to discover the different properties of some rocks and drew them and wrote about them. We discovered these rocks were marble, limestone, sandstone, slate and even chalk! I can't wait to carry on our science learning next week with more experiments! We also touched upon a new science topic, Forces and magnets, as we begun to think about our prior knowledge.

In d&t this week, we focused on making the frame for our Roman chariots. We measured four pieces of wood using rulers and then got into action with our safety goggles, blocks, clamps and hacksaws at the ready. You were great constructors Y3 and you were so proud of your cutting and independent skills. I was too! We then moved on to creating the base by gluing the pieces together to make a rectangular frame where the charioteer will stand! You added detail on to your wheels and then used your designs to create the chariot and cut these out on card. Next week we will continue with the base and add your wheels and axels.

At forest school this week, the wet weather couldn't put us off as we learnt about the Romans, in particular what a Roman town would look like! You then had to build your own shelter for your Roman soldier, thinking of a bed, fire, gates, boundaries and shelter. Again you showed great focus, team work skills and resilience. Of course it wouldn't be right not to finish our session with a fire and a marshmallow treat where again you showed awareness of being safe and great listening skills. This week you recapped how to use a dragons sneeze and all managed to create sparks yourselves this week. Roll on next Wednesday!

What a tremendous job you have done in your well being time this week. We have focussed on the things that bug us and the times when we feel good and happy. We have loved learning about new calming down strategies in order to build our own toolbox to find a strategy that works for us.

Our new PSHE unit is called Don't forget to let the love in. We were able to think about our new unit by thinking about how other people have shown love to us and how we can show love to ourselves. This links to the bible quote; The second command is this: Love your neighbour as you love yourself. Mark 12:31. We also began thinking about the question, what does encouragement mean to us? This is something we will come back to next week. Your answers were very thoughtful Year 3. We also had lots of examples where encouragement had been given. Our second bible quote is Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Homework this week is on maths.co.uk.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss McCurrie and Mrs Pointon.

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