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C of E Primary School

Y3 Weekly News 27.9.24

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y3 castles dty3 football

Another hard working week has flown by in Year 3. In English, we continued to plan our big write all about Iron Man. We worked hard to create a mysterious, scary atmosphere through showing not telling so instead of saying 'the boy was scared' we looked at ways of showing this instead of telling. You used phrases like 'they were frozen to the spot' and 'his body trembled with fear'. Well done Y3. We have loved reading your narratives so far.

In maths, we started our new unit all about addition and subtraction. We continued to focus on three digit numbers and started the week adding 1s, then 10s then 100s looking for patterns. We used place value grids, base 10 equipment and counters to represent the three digit numbers.

In well-being, we completed "things that make us smile" in our journals and tried out the strategy butterfly pats on our arms. Children, can you show your adults the butterfly calming strategy?

In RE, we considered how to answer the question 'how do Christians look after others in need and why?' We found out about some charities like Christian aid and what they do to help others in our world. We found out that they help others especially in countries where there isn't much harvest. A few children suggested that they wanted to help raise money for Christian Aid so we will be thinking of ways in how we can support this charity over the next couple of weeks.

In design and technology, we continued with our construction unit of making castles. After learning about castles and their structures, we began to construct our own designs completed last week. We used card to make the curtained walls and recycled packaging to make the towers and turrets. We then made 3D shapes out of nets. We had to focus really hard on cutting carefully and slowly along the heavy lines and folded along the dotted lines. We then covered the cones and other shapes with brick prints to make them look more realistic. These already look really impressive Y3!

As geographers, we explored the imaginary lines of latitude that we can find on maps and globes. We learnt that these lines help us to find places that are north and south of the equator.

We have learnt about guarding our hearts in our PSHE lesson this week. We decided as a team the things that we need to guard our hearts from. Examples were unkind words, and seeing something we don't like on the television. This links to our bible quote, 'In conclusion, my friends, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honourable.' Philippians 4:8

We have also enjoyed mastering our skills of teamwork and football in our PE time this week. 

Have a wonderful weekend, 

Miss McCurrie and Mrs Pointon

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