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C of E Primary School

Y3 News 25.11.22

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What a fantastic week we have had in year 3! 

In maths this week, you finished your addition and subtraction unit. You all have worked so hard on your exchanging and using the column method! Then we started our multiplication unit and explored multiples of 3, dividing in 3s and the 3 times table! 

In English, you completed your shared write. Your shared write was a news report about Claudius being murdered somewhere in ancient England! 

In science this week, you revisited the forces of pull and push and added arrows to your pictures from last weeks forest school session. 

In forest school, you explored the force of friction in nature and used toy cars to see what materials creates the most friction. Then, you created fires and had marshmallows. Luckily we went on a treasure hut to see what we could find! Some of you found some fantastic pieces of old pottery. 

In RE, we were introduced to advent and the different types of advent calendars we might have. 

In geography, we looked at the longitude lines on a map. Then, we explored the different time zones and how the time changes in different areas. 

In art, you explored proportions and scale and how changing the proportions and scale affects the images we create. 

I hope you've all had a lovely weekend! 

Miss Holliwell

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