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C of E Primary School

Y3 News 23.9.22

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heartsmartheartsmart 2hockey passeshockey passes 2

Wow, what a busy 4 day week you have had. I have missed seeing all your faces over the last two days but I have heard you all have still worked super hard!

In maths this week you have found 1, 10 and 100 more and less of a variety of 3 digit numbers. You have compared numbers using less than and greater than symbols and worked super hard!

In English, you explored powerful adjectives which make an impact on the reader. You created a tool kit filled with everything that you need to make your story pop. As a class we created a check list of things we needed in each paragraph. You also did a short burst write including all our key skills we have learnt!

In my happy minds this week you met your brain and learnt that your Neuroplaticity helps you to learn new thing. We also met team H-A-P which is our Hippocampus, Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex.

In RE we explored bible stories which describe God in different ways. One described God as the creator of all things and the other described God as a brush which was on fire!

In computing we explored an unplugged activity. You had to debug an algorithm which was faulty and needed changing.

In history, you explored the Roman Soldier and labelled the different parts of their outfit.

In PE we continued our hockey lessons and started to pass the ball to our friends using a push, hit and slap pass.


Comment t’appelles-tu?

Je m’apelle Miss Holliwell

This week in French you learnt how to ask someone their name and how to reply!

This week in music, we learnt to play – on and off beat. It was tricky to begin with, but we soon got the hang of it. We watched a mini clip of a professional ukulele musician. We could not believe how good he was! That might be us one day!

This week in HeartSmart, we have been learning that our heart needs protecting. We listed things that we do to guard our hearts. Bible Reference – ‘ In conclusion, my friends, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honourable.’ Philippians 4:8

Homework this weekend is on maths.co.uk. I hope you have a good weekend!

Miss Holliwell :)

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