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C of E Primary School

Y3 News 2.2.24

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arty3 english jan24y3 re jan 24

Y3 where has the week gone? On Monday we had our wet felting session with @artroomuk I'm sure you'll be as impressed as we were with the creations! (See other post for more details.)

We continued to use Stop Motion Animation in computing, where we watched last week's masterpieces and looked at what we needed to improve. This was mainly holding the iPad still to make the videos more effective. We found stands and rests for the iPads and then focused on settings and keeping the movement simple to create the most effective short videos. They were brilliant and we enjoyed watching each others. What did you do for your Stop Motion Animation video?

In science this week, we continued to learn about light focusing this lesson on the sun! We found out what the Egyptian's believed happened with the sun each day and night (tell your adults all about Ra and the sun boat!) and compared this to what we know in present day. We then thought about the differences between night and day and what we can see in those times in the sky.

In maths this week, we have started a new unit on multiplication and division, focusing firstly on multiples of ten. On Friday, we took part in our TT Rockstars battle and we have awarded lots of certificates for practising our times table facts at home.

In our English lessons, we continued with our fable story of Fox by Margaret Wild. We thought about two of the main characters Fox and Magpie and used powerful words and phrases to describe Fox, on the inside and outside. We began planning our own fable by writing the first paragraph. We worked hard to think about the setting and how we can best introduce one of the characters.

In Geography, we did a wonderful job to recap our learning about climate zones. We remembered that we live in a temperate climate zone and then we moved onto looking at the polar climate zone in more detail.

We began our RE lesson learning about the story of the Rich Young Man. Within a mystery bag, we found two clues; a camel and a needle. We then learnt about the example Jesus gave, ' It is much harder for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.' We thought about a modern day version of this example, and we came up with so many great ideas.

In PSHE, we completed our caring awards from last week. We remembered how important it is to care for somebody and we took the time to think how caring for someone directly links to being Heartsmart. This links to the bible quote; Bible quote God is fair; he will not forget the work you did and the love you showed for him by helping his people. And he will remember that you are still helping them. Hebrews 6:10

On top of all of this we had another swimming lesson where you continued to show resilience, strength and determination. Keep up the great work Y3!

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