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C of E Primary School

Y3 News 18.11.22

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Happy Anti-Bullying week!

This week you have been fantastic force spotters, alliteration aliens, addition and subtraction superheroes, anti-bullying champions and stop motion creators.

In English this week, you have been SOOO busy! You have learnt a brand new model text, a newsreport, reporting the mad murder of Julius Caesar. You explored what fronted adverbials were and that they go at the start of a sentence followed by a comma. Suddenly, you became super at spotting them! You then explored alliteration! You then had to report after your own crime had taken place! Claudius had been murdered in Britannia. Felix and Diana were our two witnesses! They told us how and what had happened! They even told us how this made them feel.

In maths, you continued to explore 3 digit numbers adding and subtracting. You had to use the column method and figure out if they needed to exchange or not. You then went into to check your calculations by using a part whole model to help you. Then you had to problem solve and remember to use your column method!

In MyHappyMind, you explored the character strengths you have used this week.

In Science, you revisited the layers of soil from our forest school lesson. You had to label a picture of the layers of soil and coloured in the remaining layers.

In music this week, we discussed different forms of notation and how to recognise them. This term's music unit – what stories does music tell us about the past, saw us listen to an upbeat disco song. The message about loving one another shone through. We were a bit undecided about whether we liked the song, but we thought it sounded like a happy song and made us want to dance. We learnt a new music word – texture. We know that this week's song had a thick texture as there were numerous instruments playing at the same time – giving the music layers.

In forest school, you explored the different forces we have acting against us everyday. That force is... erm... gravity! We read a story about Isaac the hedgehog and how an apple fell on his head, just like Sir Isaac Newton. Ooo I wonder if you can remember who he was? Then we explored the 2 forces we can add to an object to make it move, push and pull. You created playground equipment out of the different materials in the forest school area and using a doll tried to figure out which force was needed. Once we did this, you created fires and toasted your marshmallows! I got the BIGGEST one!

In RE, we looked at 3 different stories of how Jesus was born. We compared the three stories and found their similarities and differences.

In computing, you created a storyboard for your stop motions which we will be creating next week!

This year's anti-bully week theme of Reach Out aims to encourage children to speak out about bullying. This week we have explored what a good friend is and what a bully is and isn't.

In geography, you have looked at the equator and the latitude lines along the map. We explored the different climates that we have on our planet.

Wow, what a busy week we have had!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Miss Holliwell

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