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C of E Primary School

Y3 News 1.7.22

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We started the week back in 1822 experiencing how school would have been when Wybunbury first opened.

On Tuesday, we started our assessments starting with our reasoning paper in maths. In our HeartSmart lesson this week, we were learning that we can talk to adults we trust if we are worried about unsafe or inappropriate contact. We spoke about appropriate and inappropriate types of touch. We completed our 'circle of trust.' Bible reference – 'Have nothing to do with the worthless things that people do, things that belong to the darkness. Instead, bring them out to the light.' Ephesians 5:11. In PE, you continued your striking and fielding unit by focussing on rounders. 

On Wednesday, we continued our assessments with arithmetic and the first half of our reasoning paper. In the afternoon, you wrote a letter to your future self. You also practiced your mathematical skills using TT rockstars.

On Thursday, we finished our final part of the reading paper. In the afternoon, you explored renewable and non renewable energy sources. Then we had our Wybunbury's got talent auditions. You were all amazing!! Well done to 'The Genders' and 'Sing2Win' for getting through to the finals.

On Friday, we spent the morning down at the church celebrating the schools history. Well done to you all for singing so beautifully and to those children who spoke in front of everyone and choir for singing in front of everyone. In the afternoon we decorated '200' with all things we think represent our school. In PE, we practiced beanbag, sprint and relay for sports day!

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Homework is on maths.co.uk. See you tomorrow!

Miss Holliwell

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