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C of E Primary School

Welcome Year 3

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pshe  what can we put into our heartsgeography  mapsgeography map work

Welcome to Y3! We have had a great first week together and it has been wonderful to get to know you all. We spent our first day together getting to know each other and settling into the classroom.

We started our first Power Maths unit on Place Value and it has been lovely to see so many of you with such a great attitude towards maths. We have used base ten equipment, number lines, place value charts and part whole models and counted in 1s, 10s and 100s!

In English, we found lots of clues about our new book and after lots of investigation, we found out our new book is called Iron Man by Ted Hughes. We made predictions about the story using the objects and illustrations from the story. We started the book and I already can't wait to keep reading! We also spent time building sentences using the of the metal hand illustration in the story. Y3, you were checking your sentences very carefully, well done!

We began our new art unit based around the work of Henri Matisse and we started our own painting with scissors project! We started the unit following the process of "show me what you see" focusing on shadows, shapes, light and dark. I loved seeing your creations and you enjoyed seeing each others and celebrating your sketches! We then had a go ourselves at "painting with scissors" where the only tool we were allowed to use were scissors!

Our first well-being session was all about what we love. You spent our calming time drawing and writing about what you love. The calming strategy we used this week was finger breathing. Y3, can you show your adult the technique and how it might help you to feel calm?

We have started our football unit . We talked about how to work well as team by supporting each other and communicating well. Today's session was about how to stop the ball by trapping it or cushioning it with the inside of the foot, kicking with the inside of the foot to keep good control when passing, and passing into a space after receiving the ball. After practising the skills we had some small games to test what we had learnt.

In our first PSHE lesson, we spent time thinking about our hearts and what things we can put into our hearts to help us be smart with our hearts and show love to ourselves and others. In class, it was great to see you link this to lots of the fruits of the spirit as well as the love from friendships, family and members of our school family. This links to the bible quote, 'Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.' Proverbs 4:23.

In Geography, we began answering our question, Where on earth are we? To explore this question, we thought about all our Geography vocabulary to describe that Wybunbury is in the North West of England, in Europe. We enjoyed comparing two types of maps; a political map and a physical map, and in doing so we could begin to locate mountain ranges and rivers around the world.

For our first music lesson of year 3, we looked at the social question – How does music bring us closer together? We thought about dancing together, being in a rock band and enjoying the same music. Then we moved on to labelling a picture of a ukulele. Leading on from holding a ukulele at the end of year 2, we are super excited to get started! Now we know what the parts of the ukulele are called, we will be more confident at following instructions.

Maths.co.uk homework is set for you for this week's homework. Logins have been stuck in reading diaries and an information letter has been sent home too.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss McCurrie and Mrs Pointon

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