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C of E Primary School

Welcome back Year 3 19.04.24

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jemmy buttonshadow puppetshadow puppet q

Welcome back Y3. It has been lovely to hear all about your Easter adventures.

In maths this week, we were reintroduced to fractions continuing on with our unit from before half term. We became more familiar with the 'whole' using visual representations and resources to help us with this concept. We recapped the denominator and numerator, ordered fractions with the same denominator and used fraction walls to help us compare fractions.We worked very hard to identify fractions on a number line in maths. We used our knowledge of fractions to check each division had an equal part, and then counted how many divisions each number line had.

Our english lessons this week have been based on the book Jemmy Button. We were intrigued to find out what the book was, after finding our tables covered in buttons, leaves and greenery! We studied illustrations from the story and wrote predictions about the story. We explored lots of new vocabulary and thought about why this book is called a return narrative. We then read the story and found out it was a "return journey" narrative. I can't wait to find out more about Jemmy Button next week!

In science this week, we continued on with our light unit, this time focusing on shadows and how shadows are formed. We used different materials from around the classroom and investigated whether these materials were opaque, transparent or translucent. We then put our knowledge into practise by making shadow puppet theatres. Thank you to you all for bringing in cereal boxes to help us with this project. Lots of you told me you did your own shows when you got home too! Well done Y3.

In PE, we started our athletics unit. We discussed how to start a race by having one foot in front of the other, knees bent and arms ready so that we can push off with our back foot to get a quick start. We began with "on your marks" which meant they needed to get their starting line, "get set" meaning to get in your ready position and on running we shout "go". We practised those first few meters using an agility ladder to keep on our toes, heads down and with knees high to build speed. Then we straightened up as we started to reach our maximum speed. Well done!

In PSHE, we reviewed our learning relating to Don't hold on to what is wrong. We had a great discussion about what makes us sad or mad and we offered advice to each other when dealing with these feelings. We also created a feelings iceberg and talked about the things that might make us angry. This links to our bible quote, Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

We worked hard to complete our RE Questful learning map and thought carefully about Jesus within the Easter Story and tried to answer the question "can Good Friday be described as just joy or sadness?" exploring the different feelings within the story of Easter. 

We hope you have had a lovely weekend. A reminder that this week's homework is spagtastic.com

Miss McCurrie and Mrs Pointon

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