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C of E Primary School

Year Two weekly newsletter 31.1.25

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Another week has just flown by. Have a read to find out what your superstar children have been learning about this week.

In English this week, you created your own finding narratives based on The Bog Baby story. You designed your own unique Bog Baby characters, including Bog Snake, Bog Bunny, and Glitter Bog! Each day, you planned and wrote a paragraph for your story, carefully building up your narrative. You also took time to edit your stories using your green pen, making sure to correct any errors and improve your writing. I loved reading through all of your stories and seeing you use all of the skills I had taught you so far Well done for all your hard work and creativity!

In Steps to read we focused on the poetry book 'The owl and the pussycat'. You learnt what a stanza and a rhyming couplet was. You loved answering questions about the poetry using your comprehension skills.

In Maths this week, you continued developing your understanding of money. You compared different amounts, recognising how values change depending on the coins and notes used. You explored various ways to make the same amount using different combinations of coins and notes, strengthening your problem-solving skills. Using your knowledge of column addition and subtraction, you confidently calculated larger amounts of money. Additionally, you discovered that there are 100 pence in a pound and investigated different ways to make £1. Well done for working so hard on such an important life skill!

In RE this week, you explored the question, "I wonder what it felt like to meet Jesus?" by learning about more of the incredible miracles He performed. You discovered how Jesus restored sight to a blind man and how He enabled a deaf and mute man to hear and speak again. To deepen your understanding, you created a role on the wall activity, describing the emotions and reactions someone might have had when meeting Jesus and witnessing his miracles firsthand. It has been wonderful to see your enthusiasm as you learn about the many ways Jesus transformed people's lives!

In your courageous advocacy work this week, you completed your final lesson on being leaders of kindness. You reflected on all the valuable lessons you have learned about kindness by writing in your journals. Then, you used your kindness grids to showcase the many thoughtful and generous acts you have carried out. To celebrate your dedication, you received a special sticker in your books, marking you as young leaders of kindness. Well done, team--I am so proud of each and every one of you!

In History, you explored what modern-day farming looks like and how it has evolved over time. You discovered that farms are now often smaller and tend to specialise in one area, such as growing crops or producing milk. You also learned about the three main types of farming: pastoral farming, which focuses on raising animals; arable farming, which is centred on growing crops; and mixed farming, which combines both. Your learning also helped you understand how weather and landscape impact farming in the UK. For example, you found out that sheep farming is more common in Wales due to its mountainous and hilly terrain, which makes growing crops difficult. Meanwhile, fruit farming is more successful in the south of England because of the warmer temperatures and increased sunshine. This knowledge has given you a fantastic insight into how farming is adapted to suit different environments!

In Computing this week, there was great excitement as you discovered that Mrs Chesters had brought six brand-new Bee-Bots! This meant that every table had their own Bee-Bot to explore and use. During your first lesson, you enjoyed getting to know how to operate them, testing out different commands and movements. You then took your learning further by predicting where your Bee-Bot would land after following a set of instructions. You circled your predictions on the mat and then tested them out by programming your Bee-Bot to see if you were correct. Your understanding of algorithms is improving every week, and it was fantastic to see you thinking logically and problem-solving as you worked. Well done!

In Science this week, you explored world habitats and discovered a variety of environments, including polar habitats, ocean habitats, and desert habitats. You learned about the different animals and plants that live in these habitats and how they have adapted to survive in their specific conditions. Each of you was given a world habitat to research, gathering key information about the climate, wildlife, and plant life. In the afternoon, you put your knowledge into action by creating your own dioramas inside shoeboxes--thank you to all the parents for sending them in! Your teamwork was outstanding, and the final creations were truly impressive. You should feel very proud of your hard work and creativity!

This week year 2 have been introduced to the term "peripheral vision" and why it's important to be aware of what's going on around the edges of our vision in all sports. We talked about rugby and how you can only pass backwards so, whilst running, you need to know which team members are near in order to pass. We played some games that required us to focus on our peripheral vision more than we normally would, then practised some backward rugby passes and dodging in a teams game. Finally, we finished with some yoga to cool down.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend Year Two and I will see you on Monday.

Miss Haynes

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