Wow Year Two, we are well in the way of our festivity celebrations as we performed our nativity to our families this week.
In English, you have been working hard on writing your diaries. You understood that these needed to be written, as you were William looking at the dragon tree for the first time. We have been making sure that we have been using expanded noun phrases, adverbs, past tense and commas in a list in our writing. These are all of the features that you have learnt about in this unit. So, you know that it is important to show these skills off in your final piece of writing. We will be finishing our diary entries next week and I can’t wait to see what creative ideas you come up with.
In maths, you have finished our addition and subtraction unit by comparing number sentences, answering missing number problems and completing your end of unit quiz. On Wednesday, you moved to our new topic of shapes. We have really enjoyed naming our 2D and 3D shapes and even learning about how many sides and vertices are on each 2D shape. What superstars you are!
In RE, we have finished our Christmas unit off by completing our questful maps. You were able to put all of your learning together and answer many different questions about the Christmas story and what this means to Christians.
In DT, you have worked hard to finish your pouches off. You looked back on your designs and thought carefully about how you were going to decorate them. You drew your designs on felt, cut them out and stuck them onto your pouch with glue. You did this so independently and I love what you have created Year Two. You even added a fastener to your pouch so you can open and close it. Well done Year Two!
In PHSE, on your unit of ‘Don’t forget to let love in’ you thought about the importance of being thankful for what we have. You watched a short Pixar clip called ‘Boundin’ which introduced us to a a very confident lamb who would dance all day long. However, when the people came to cut his wool he was very upset as people kept laughing at him. Luckily, the Jackalope came and pointed out the things the lamb should still be proud and thankful for and how he can still do lots of things with no wool. We loved this clip so much and we finished the lesson by being thankful for our own bodies and what they can do. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
In forest school, you started the lesson by making your own fires and thinking about how we can make them better than the previous week. You thought about what you may need to add to make all of the wood light up. You were also given the opportunity to improve your bug house and adding more leaves, sticks and wood to the bug house. You also investigated to see what bugs had already come to visit the bug house. How very exciting this was!
Today in PE we have worked on roly polys – it helped to keep our weight on the balls of our feet, our elbows soft and chins tucked right under. Then we tried to create a sequence of moves, including different rolls, whilst mirroring our partners. It helped to count in beats to keep us in time with each other. Some really struggled with mirroring but everyone tried very hard to synchronise their routines by counting down into each move. You also had a kick session with coach Gabriel.
You also had a lovely music session with Mrs Whittingham where you listened to pieces of music and wrote about what it reminded you of and what it made you feel like.
As well as all of this amazing learning you completed the nativity and watched a performance of ‘Where the wild things are’. A huge thank you to South Cheshire college for your brilliant performance and for bringing the book to life. We loved it!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Haynes
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