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C of E Primary School

Year 2's weekly newsletter 09.02.23

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In English this week you found a folder that said ‘Year 2 onlyeveryone else keep out’. Inside it was a letter from the S.O.B.B which we came to realise that this stood for society of the Bog Baby. The children found out that the society of Bog baby’s found out that we had found other creatures in the Bluebell woods. They wanted us to write some instructions to build a habitat for that creature. All week we have been discovering what instructions are and why we use them. You have been writing commanding sentences with imperative verbs, lists, adverbs and conjunctions. You even read their instructions and followed them to create your own Bog Baby habitat, this was a very very very yucky job.

In maths this week, you started your new topic on multiplication and division.You have been learning about equal groups, what the times symbol stands for and on Friday you even discovered what the division symbol is and what it means. You are fantastic at multiplying in your 2s,5s and 10s now and we’ve started to slowly look at our 3s as well. This week you even won the TT rockstars trophy from all of your hard work!! Keep this up!

The children have been learning about food chains in different habitats. They learnt the meaning of the words producers, consumers and predators. The children loved learning about what is at the bottom of the food chain and what is at the top of a food chain. You then wrote your favourite food chain in your book. Fantastic work Y2!

This week we celebrated interfaith week. The children listened to the story of Nasruddin beautifully and they believed the message from the story was you should never judge someone on what they look like. If they are a good person you should treat them with respect and kindness. The children then thought about what the inside of a person should look like and wrote these on a sheet. What beautiful pictures you have created!

In your RE lesson this week, you focused on how it might feel to meet Jesus. First, You recapped your learning about the stories of Jesus’ miracles. You then used a role on the wall to describe how these people were feeling before meeting Jesus and after meeting Jesus. This has helped to deepen your understanding of the people’s emotions and feelings during this time.

In computing, you created your very own BeeBot floor mat. You then used your Bee-Bot to travel around the mat. Thinking carefully about the algorithms and positional language that you need to put in.

In our HeartSmart lesson this week, we have been learning about the people who work in our community. We spoke about how they help us and protect us. We really appreciate their hard work. We played ‘Who am I?’ We had to guess which community role we were being. We have a lot of respect and appreciation for all community workers and they are our everyday heroes. This links to bible reference – ‘Always give thanks to God the Father for everything. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ Ephesians 5:20

How have the methods of farming changed? This was the focus question you looked at in this week’s history lesson. You compared all of the methods from the past to now and you thought carefully about why they have changed and how this change is better. Your understanding of farming is amazing as we come to the end of our history topic! Well done superstars.

In art you learnt about the artist Charlie French. You found out that he was an abstract painter from London. You created a mood board on all of his techniques and colours that he used in his paintings.

This week’s homework is all about multiplication and will be found in your children’s bags.

Have a lovely weekend everybody,

Miss Haynes

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