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C of E Primary School

Year 2 weekly newsletter 24.11.23

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You finished your week on such a high Y2 as you delivered and performed your class worship beautifully. I am beyond proud of how hard you have worked on our worship about the fruit of the spirit 'joy'. You said your lines and performed our song with so much enthusiasm and confidence. You took our audience on a journey as you began your worship with how we can share joy with others, when you have felt joy in school and when people in the Christmas story have felt joy. You should be really proud of yourselves Y2!

As well as preparing for our worship you have been very busy learning in other areas of the curriculum. 

In English, you finished writing your setting narratives ensuring you have used similes, expanded noun phrases and adjectives with the suffix -less and -ful. You carefully made sure that you were writing in past tense using 'were' and 'was' correctly depending if you had pluralised your words or not. You edited your narratives with a green pen to ensure that your spellings were spelt correctly and that you had full stops and capital letters in the correct place. 

I'm phonics, you have been continuing to revisit sounds and build upon your fluency. In steps to read, you have been introduced to the sea book and you have been answering different comprehension questions about the non- fiction text. We have learnt so many interesting facts whilst reading this book! 

In maths, you have been continuing to learn about addition and subtraction. You learnt how to find the difference of two numbers by subtracting them. You learnt how to do this practically using number lines and base ten blocks. You then built upon this learning by answering power maths questions, using your problem solving and reasoning skills. Once this learning was embedded, you then moved onto comparing different number sentences using your greater than, less than and equals to symbols. 

In geography, you continued to learn about the weather. This week you took a particular focus on the wind and how this can change the weather. You learnt that in the United Kingdom the wind blows in the direction of the north, east, west and south. Each direction brings different types of weather and climates to the UK. We were impressed to find out what direction the wind was blowing in on Monday by looking at the BBC weather. You found out that it was blowing from the north west which meant it was bringing cold, wet and windy conditions. 

You really enjoyed your forest school session this week as you learnt how to do archery. You worked in groups of threes and you were all fantastic at helping each other loading the bows onto the arrow. There was lots of celebrations as you hit the targets! You also completed some more art work on different types of natural resources. You got to choose whether you did a continuous drawing or a freely drawing. You finished off the session by making your own fires and seeing how different twigs can help a fire to grow. 

In computing, you had your first lesson of digital photography. You were very interested in what types of information technology takes pictures. You then set on to become photographers by completing a photography bingo. You had to take different pictures for example; action shots, selfies, people and close ups. You carefully took your photos by thinking about how to hold the iPad properly, making sure you look through the screen so you can see everything in your picture and how to capture your photograph. You really enjoyed this activity and taking photographs from different angles. 

In heartsmart, you started your topic of 'Don't forget to let love in.' You wrote all about yourself and then we shared these at the end of the lessons. You realised that nobody wrote the same things and this is because we are all unique and individual. In your second lesson, you thought carefully about how the scrap man speaks to Boris. You then had different comments to sort through which are 'rubbish' and 'truths'. At the end of this lesson, you realised the importance about positive affirmations and saying them on an everyday basis to make ourselves feel good. We used some of these before performing our worship when we felt a little bit nervous. 

How is the good news of Jesus celebrated today? This was our question that we focused on during RE this week. You learnt all about the celebrations that Christians take part in England. We then compared this to how Christians in other countries celebrate the birth of Jesus. Did you know in Mexico children take part in a procession where they focus on the journey that Mary and Joseph went on to Bethlehem? You also found out that in Poland they fast during the day of Christmas Eve and then have a huge family dinner altogether. You really enjoyed learning about different traditions around the world. 

I am so impressed by your hard work, confidence and love of learning that you have shown during this week. Your homework has been emailed out to parents. 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. 

See you on Monday,

Miss Haynes 

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