Welcome back Y2, it has been so nice to hear about your Easter holidays and the adventures you have been on with your families. We jumped straight back into our learning jobs on Monday and found out about our new topic which is the 'The great fire of Nantwich'.
In English this week, you have been working incredibly hard on planning and writing your orangutan fact files. Each day, you have taken a paragraph at a time to plan and write. You wrote all about what orangutans like to eat, where they live and even some fun and interesting facts. Your focus on your writing was to use ly adverbs, question marks, exclamation marks and even apostrophes. You have smashed these targets and used them all the way through your writing. These fact files Y2 are your best pieces of writing so we can't wait to write them up neatly to put them on display. Well done for working so hard this week!
In reading, you have been focusing on reading aloud to the adults in the room. We have also completed some phonics and reading assessments. I am so impressed with how many children have moved up. Well done team!
In maths, our learning has been about measuring mass and capacity. You started the week by learning how to measure in grams and kilograms. You couldn't quite believe there were 1000 grams in a kg! In our learning of capacity, you have started to measure in millilitres and next week we will move this on by measuring in litres.
We started our new topic off by learning about it in History. You were introduced to what the Great fire of Nantwich was and then our main focus of the lesson was based on what happened on the lead up to the Great fire of Nantwich. We built upon this learning by creating a timeline of events. You found out that the fire was during the Tudor times after Henry VIII was on the throne but whilst Elizabeth I was Queen. You even learnt that it happened before the Great fire of London and the Great battle of Nantwich. You created some lovely timelines in your books.
In your big art this week, you created some silloute paintings of the Great fire of Nantwich. We looked at what buildings survived the fire e.g. church and churches mansion. You then started to create your paintings by using water colours for the background and black paper for your buildings. They look fantastic!
In art, you started your new topic of architecture. What is an architect? This was your main focus of your first lesson and you explored this question by watching a video of a pigeon fly around the whole world. You found out that architecture are buildings and that an architect is someone who plans and designs these buildings. We then looked at the architecture of Nantwich. You drew some of the tudor buildings in your sketch books.
How can plants stay healthy? This was the focus of your first science lesson of this term. You started by recapping all of your previous learning of plants in Y1. You then thought about how you can tell if a plan is healthy and not healthy. If the plant was not healthy, you then decided what this plant may need. We decided to start an investigation to see what will happen to plants if you don't give it what it needs. You all planted your own cress seeds and we decided to take one thing away from it e.g. soil, water, temperature to see what will happen. We are excited to see if our plants do or don't grow.
In RE, your focus of this term is on churches. Our first lesson was about exploring all of our own special places and what makes them special. Thank you to all of your parents for sending me your photos of all of your special places. We really enjoyed looking through them and explaining why these places are special to us. You then drew and wrote about your special places in your book thinking about are they calm places? Friendly places? How does your special place make you feel?
In heartsmart this week you focused on how grains of sand are unique and are all different to each other just like yourselves. You thought about what makes you unique and you wrote this on your sand jar.
Wow, this is a lot of learning team. You have worked hard this week! Homework has been emailed out to parents, which is all about measuring mass and capacity.
Have the best weekend.
See you on Monday,
Miss Haynes
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street